التاريخ : السبت 18 يناير 2014 . القسم :
National Alliance Statement: Anti-Coup Revolutionary Escalation Peaceful Despite Murderous Junta Violence
To all young revolutionary men and women of Egypt...
Once again, the Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance appreciates and praises your vital role in the patriotic boycott of the false vote on the putschists' charter. The murderous traitors are deeply perturbed, because they know you are the mainstay of the Revolution and its raging fire that burns on, and will do until the military coup and junta rule are defeated.
To all loyal revolutionary men and women of Egypt...
The Alliance acknowledges and salutes your majestic millions that turned-out all day long Friday – the beginning of a great new Revolution, with broader and more popular support, at a truly critical stage. Several new segments of society have joined the positive boycott by the revolutionary will, in spite of brutal repression and terror practices by coup forces, and despite the regrettable numbers of dead, wounded and abducted anti-coup protesters that prove coup authorities are losing their nerve seeing that the masses of the Egyptian people boycotted their sham referendum.
To all young revolutionary men and women of Egypt...
The National Alliance offers its condolences to the families of the martyrs, and vows fair and prompt retribution. The Alliance says it clear and unambiguous: we are fully with you, every step of the way. Your uncompromising determination and commitment to peaceful resistance is unparalleled. However, hear this well: as you pen a new page of Egyptian history with epic peaceful steadfastness in the revolutionary struggle, you must realize that this is a cumulative effort. It needs long-term resilience, hopeful unwavering positive patience, and a lot of hard work. It also needs continuous peaceful escalation. Certainly, peacefulness does not mean surrender or retreat.
The National Alliance values the thundering, yet controlled and peaceful resistance, and sees victory approaching ahead, through non-violent defiance and peaceful civil action. The Alliance holds military coup authorities and the murderous junta responsible for the consequences of their malicious actions and decisions. They are persistently pushing the situation into a dark abyss of uncontrollable violence and destruction, in a country where people in every city, town and street seek revenge and demand retribution for loved ones.
To all loyal revolutionary men and women of Egypt...
Persist in your non-violent escalation. Innovate and rejuvenate your activities on the ground. Unite your efforts, and close ranks. Shed partisan robes on the eve of the Revolution and the waves of raging anger on January 25. Weigh up and understand the circumstances. Do not let the tyranny of the greedy, nor cruelty and lunacy of a cowardly traitor change your revolutionary path, which is destined to end military rule and topple the leaders of the treacherous military coup.
Your good work will enable the peaceful January 25 Revolution to reclaim its gains and achieve its goals. Do not let coup commanders and collaborators rest or relax – until the homeland is ultimately victorious. The harbingers of victory are on the horizon, thanks to God and to your great efforts and peaceful struggle.
We will meet on January 25.
The Revolution will continue until retribution is dispatched and justice served.
God is Great... Down, down with military rule!
People want to topple the traitors…
The Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance
Cairo: January 17, 2014