التاريخ : الخميس 19 ابريل 2012 . القسم : Media Statements

Joint Statement of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Freedom and Justice Party – 18 Apr 2012

 • In this critical phase of our history, popular pro-revolution groups and movements, determined to achieve the goals of the revolution – especially the handover of power to elected constitutional institutions and the completion of the democratic transformation process, are fighting off forces of former regime figures out to reinstate the old guard with all its repression, corruption and tyranny.

• The great Egyptian people launched their blessed revolution in January 2011 in order to regain their freedom, sovereignty and dignity, to establish truth and justice, to improve their conditions and standard of living, and to elevate their country to the rank it deserves among the nations, regionally and internationally; and they entrusted to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) administration of the country during a transitional period of no more than six months.

This meant that SCAF’s primary role was to protect the revolution and create the appropriate atmosphere for the people to elect their representatives in constitutional institutions, form the Constituent Assembly through an election process entrusted to the People's Assembly and Shura Council to draw up the new Constitution, elect the President of the Republic, and create a new sovereign government that reflects the will of the people.

• The people elected their chosen representatives into both Houses of Parliament - the People's Assembly and Shura Council – through evidently free and fair elections. They granted the majority to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP).

However, as Parliament raced to do its duty of reforming and developing the homeland and fulfilling the demands of the people, it was challenged by the government which deliberately placed obstacles in its path and instigated contrived crises.

Then, when Parliament called on SCAF to dismiss the government and task the majority to form a coalition government, it refused, insisting on keeping the failing Cabinet in power.

• Further, the Brotherhood and the FJP endeavored to persuade prominent public personalities to run for the Presidency, but they all refused, each for their own reasons.

Hence, the Muslim Brotherhood and the FJP decided to field a candidate for the Presidency. So, the Brotherhood’s Shura Council and the FJP’s National Committee instructed Khairat Al-Shater to run for president.

• The Supreme Presidential Electoral Commission (SPEC) decided to exclude Khairat Al-Shater, despite his evident eligibility and powerful legal defenses refuting the causes given for exclusion.

Absurdly, SPEC ignored all legal defense arguments and documentary evidence from military courts. Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood and the FJP decided to resume the race for president by fielding another candidate.

Subsequently, Dr. Mohamed Morsi, FJP Chairman was tasked to run for head of state. Certainly, the Brotherhood and the FJP will put their full backing behind their presidential contender.

• There is a brutal war being waged against the Muslim Brotherhood and all Islamists in Egypt, seeking to exclude them from executive positions – President and Cabinet, and endeavoring to exclude them from writing the Constitution, although the popular mood in Egypt is generally mostly Islamic.

In this ferocious war, opponents of the Islamic project use all print and broadcast Media to wage a relentless campaign in which they shed all semblance of professionalism and integrity.

Evidently, this war against Islamists and the Islamic project in its entirety is based on blatant slander, outright deceit and unfounded lies, and threatens the principles values of truth and honesty, truthfulness and prudence, impartiality and professional ethics.

• The Muslim Brotherhood and the FJP urge all the Egyptian people, with all hues and denominations, to:

1. Unite and close ranks in order to complete the peaceful democratic process.

2. Affirm the people's desire for prompt power handover to an elected authority by June 30 as pledged by SCAF.

3. Complete the presidential elections, safeguarding its integrity and fairness.

4. Call on SCAF to honor the will of the people and parliament by sacking the government and tasking the parliamentary majority chosen by the people to form a coalition government.

5. Stand firmly for the Renaissance Project provided by the Muslim Brotherhood and the FJP.

6. Support Dr. Mohamed Morsi, the candidate of the Brotherhood and the FJP, in the forthcoming presidential elections; and cooperate with him in order to achieve real renaissance of Egypt.

7. Take part in the Friday 20 April million-man marches to express the people's demands for the protection of the Egyptian revolution and the completion of its gains.

Refrain from responding to provocation attempts by any one or any group or faction, so as not to deviate from the peaceful path, on which the noble people of Egypt started on the 25th of January 2011 and impressed the whole world.

• In spite of all attempts at aborting or undermining the revolution, and in spite of attempts to totally disregard the will of the people as well as their hopes and aspirations, we are confident of ultimate triumph for the revolution.

We are further confident that our great people will not abandon the revolution at any cost.

The Muslim Brotherhood             The Freedom and Justice Party
 Cairo - 18 April 2012.