التاريخ : الأحد 18 ديسمبر 2011 . القسم :
MB Accuses SCAF and Gov't of Provoking Violence (Full Second Statement )
Further to the statement we issued after mid-night, yesterday, we would like to emphasise the following:
- The frequency of fatal clashes at this absurdly high rate, and at such highly sensitive and critical times, and the large number of dead and injured casualties indicate that there are certain stakeholders who are adversely impacted by the success of the revolution and the achievement of its goals of freedom, democracy, justice, security and stability. These stakeholders will not stop conspiring against this homeland, and will not give up except for the vigilance of the people and their commitment to their moral principles and their freedoms and rights.
- The absence of transparency and the lack of information about the results of previous investigations are an invitation for those stakeholders to continue to stir up sedition and unrest in the country. The slow progress in holding wrongdoers accountable and failure to prosecute them are also factors encouraging corruption.
- Conflicting statements from the army, the Interior Ministry and the Cabinet, as well as provocative statements by some officials, altogether give rise to more chaos and confusion in the Egyptian street. A spokesperson should be assigned for each institution to detail to the people – who have the right to know the truth - whatever happens, with the utmost honesty, truthfulness and accuracy, immediately after the occurrence of any event. The people also look forward to the actions that should speed up the fulfilment of the demands for which they rose in this revolution in the first place.
- Much of the Media in Egypt play a clearly destructive role through stirring up sedition and spreading terror and panic, clash with the popular will and people’s free choices in fair elections, and do their worst to discredit the elections, while these same media used to whole-heartedly hail the integrity of elections carried out under the former regime, which everyone knew were heavily rigged and fraudulent.
- We call upon the People's representatives to intervene with the relevant institutions to extinguish the flames of sedition, save lives and calm the atmosphere for smooth completion of parliamentary elections.
- The people’s right to demonstrate and protest peacefully must be recognised. We call on demonstrators to continue their sit-ins without disruption to traffic, state institutions or people's livelihoods and interests, to maintain the essence and appearance of civilization of our revolution and our status as a civilized nation in the eyes of the whole world, and to pursue their demands through legitimate sublime channels, and the State must declare its timetable and the means to meet these demands.
- The Muslim Brotherhood base their position on established principles that promote values of freedom, justice, truth, righteousness, peace, kindness, brotherhood, cooperation, solidarity, sacrifice and putting the general interest of the homeland and the people before the interests of any party, faction or person.
May God save our people and our homeland, unite our hearts, and grant us victory over all enemies of Egypt at home and abroad who plot evil cunning schemes against our beloved Egypt. We remind them of the words of God Almighty “…Evil plotting falls only upon those who scheme it…” (Quran 35:43)
The Muslim Brotherhood
Cairo: 22 of Muharram 1433AH – 17 December 2011AD