التاريخ : الأربعاء 14 ديسمبر 2011 . القسم :
FJP Press Release No. (19), Second Phase Starts
Cairo - Wednesday, December 14, 2011AD – 10:30AM (0830GMT)
At eight o'clock, this morning, the second phase of the Egyptian parliamentary elections began. Right from the earliest start, this stage is marked with a huge turnout.
The following is a report on the latest developments of this election day, so far:
First, Voters:
Our representatives noted a heavy turnout at polling stations throughout all the nine governorates where elections are held today. This confirms that the Egyptian people continued to defend their right to practise democracy and to complete the electoral process, which puts us firmly on the first steps of the road of democratic transition that we all are witnessing.
Second, Legal Issues:
The Legal Committee Observed The Following:
1. Voting did not start, until now, in polling stations 232 and 237 at Bani Hedeir School in Wasseti town, and in station 221 at Blaykah Al-Jadida School in Beni Suef town and at Bani Soliman Primary School in Maymoon village, Beni Suef governorate, and also in polling stations 377 to 380 at Wasfeyya School in Abu Swayer, Ismailia governorate, as well as the polling station 349 in Markaz Saqaltah, station 202 Markaz Tahta, stations 173 and 174 in Markaz Gerga, stations based at Basrawi School in Akhmim, and 20 stations in Alatamna, stations based at Rawafi’a Alqasir Mixed Preparatory School and Alqasir Azhari Primary Institute, and stations 26 and 27 in Sahel Tahta Primary School, Sohaj governorate. All the above polling stations have not opened yet, because judges supervising the process have not yet arrived.
2. Election list ballots have not yet arrived at Alatamna Health Unit in Sohaj governorate; although ‘individuals’ ballots did arrive!
3. There are more ballot boxes than the permitted number at polling stations 21, 22 and 24 at Akhmim Preparatory School for girls in Sohaj governorate.
4. Counsellor Mohamed Mustafa, the elections supervisor at polling stations based in Kom Drigah School in Wasseti, Beni Suef governorate, refused to let FJP representatives in to the polling stations, despite allowing representatives of other political parties and candidates to enter. All our (FJP) representatives had official documents as necessary, in full conformity with relevant rules and laws.
5. Judges supervising the elections in polling stations 367 and 368 at Ibn Khaldoun Primary School in Abu Swayer, Ismailia governorate, as well as station 692 at the Qantara Gharb, refused to let in any party or candidate representatives until now.
6. Supporters of the Egyptian Bloc have been engaged in prohibited election campaigning for the Bloc’s lists and ‘individuals’ candidates using loudspeakers at Ali Mubarak School, in Ismailia governorate.
Third, The Security Situation:
The security situation remains stable in front of polling stations.