التاريخ : الأربعاء 30 نوفمبر 2011 . القسم :
MB: We Will Respect the Will of Egyptian People Regardless of Election Results
To the great people of Egypt…
We chose to address you before the election results are announced, to offer you our sincere thanks and appreciation for perfect performance, a historic day and a defining moment in our lives, the lives of all Egyptians. This huge turnout, unprecedented in the entire history of Egypt, is simply fascinating.
You have just sown the seeds for a prosperous future, for you and your children and grandchildren, in freedom, dignity, sovereignty, democracy, justice and development. God Almighty will grant us all these, just as He graced us with our blessed Revolution, for which no-one but He should take credit.
As we offer you this sincere gratitude, we praise the unique and tremendously civilised performance in the high turnout to the ballots as witnessed by the whole world. Regardless of the results, we respect your will and accept your choice. These are the basics of the democracy we call for and abide by.
We also extend our thanks to all those who contributed to the success of the electoral process, from management to security and all.
The scene, with all those huge crowds of patriotic citizens marching into the polling stations, yesterday and today, has great significance:
- That freedom is life. It energises people and brings out the greatest and noblest in them.
- That dictatorship buries these qualities, as it releases the worst of human instincts.
- That the Egyptian people are not a negative, submissive nation, as described by the unscrupulous, but positive free aware and generous people.
- That the people triumphed in the January 25 revolution, broke the fear barrier, and made sacrifices of precious lives and blood.
- That they also triumphed on November 28 and 29 against the campaigns of terror and intimidation propagated by a number of journalists, politicians and so-called intellectuals who warned the public of a perilous blood-bath, claiming that fraud would be unbounded. The Egyptian people – millions of whom stood in long queues for many hours under the rain in some governorates – proved that the philosophy and false wisdom of certain media personalities and politicians, and all their twisted analysis, were total nonsense, a waste of time meant for nothing but provocation and intimidation.
- That the decision to hold elections on time was the right decision. That is what we always called for.
- That the high demands and the goals of Tahrir Square revolutionaries and protesters can only be realised through the ballot box and speeding on the democratic path, to enable a peaceful transfer of power from the military to elected civilian authority.
Whilst we express our happiness for this great democratic event, we feel great sorrow for the unfair media campaigns that targeted us before and during the elections. We believe those will not simply stop after the elections. A few days ago, the influential "Foreign Policy" described the situation as an agitated political eruption in the Egyptian media against the Muslim Brotherhood.
We call upon all our Egyptian brothers and sisters not to be influenced by this treacherous propaganda, and to consider such news and views with their hearts and minds.
We have confidence in your intelligence, integrity, good nature, and your knowledge of the facts that reveal the lies.
(O ye who believe! Be witnesses to God, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives) (Table: From verse 11).
“You, people who Believe,
Be firm in establishing justice, giving witness for Allah, even if it is harmful to yourselves or parents or relatives.” (see Quranic Chapter 4, Al-Nisa’a: Verse 135)
The Muslim Brotherhood
Cairo: 4th of Muharram 1433AH - 29 November 2011