التاريخ : الاثنين 30 نوفمبر -0001 . القسم :
MB Hails Results of Tunisian Elections
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has stated that Tunisia has started to acknowledge pluralism, democracy, freedom and coordination following the official announcement of the country’s electoral results.
In its weekly opinion issued Wednesday, MB said: “Tunisia’s elections reveal significant implications. The turnout of 90% of voters which is unprecedented indicates the people’s desire for democracy and freedom and proves to the citizens that their positive participation and expressing of will is an important factor. This in turn will be reflective as people will demonstrate loyalty to the country where one and all will work towards building the nation and its progress preparing to sacrifice if necessary”.
The Islamist Nahda Party’s 40% plus win highlights that despite former efforts by the ousted regime to abolish the Islamic identity through oppression the people still value their identity with all its culture, its beliefs and its civilization. The attempts made to enforce a secular identity on the people, lacks grassroots and people have indicated this at the ballot boxes through freely expressing their will.
The statement added: “The election’s results demonstrate that despite the Nahda Party being isolated from the political arena for 22 years, and its leaders and members spending decades unjustly detained in prisons, the people chose to vote for them. Although the party had little time to prepare, it refrained from calling for the delay of the elections based on the grounds of little preparation time; so unlike the political factions in Egypt who have urged the postponing of elections. Furthermore, the results prove that the Tunisians have recognized the importance of holding onto its Islamic heritage”.
The MB called on all in Egypt and abroad, to be aware of this reality and to let the people’s will reflected at the polling stations be the decisive factor.
The MB ended its statement assuring the world that it was capable of offering a model example of a balanced civilization merging the wellbeing of the soul, spirit, intellect and matter necessary for the country to develop.
It also urged the West to abandon its vision and to ignore the aggressive image painted and to work towards coordinating between civilizations rather than struggling with them.