التاريخ : الاثنين 21 نوفمبر 2011 . القسم :
Following Gaddafi's Demise, MB Warns Arab Dictators: People Always Prevail
Following the news of Libyan leader Gaddafi’s death, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), congratulated to the Libyan people for winning their freedom from the criminal and the oppressive regime, calling on them to remember those who sacrificed their lives for that day.
“The Libyans have sacrificed many martyrs to achieve freedom and restore their dignity from Gaddafi and now they are entitled to celebrate the end of a corrupt regime’s era."
It added the upcoming phase in Libya is significant and calls for national unity between the people and the state’s institutions. “Efforts should be made for the country’s development and progress”, it stated.
Addressing leaders, rulers and governing authorities in the region the statement warned them to note the end of all corrupt leaders. “The Divine rule has revealed that no good will come to those who oppress their people. History has proven that the people’s will has always and will always prevail and justice will definitely be served”.