التاريخ : الأحد 21 أغسطس 2011 . القسم :
MB Demands Gov't Reviews Foreign Policy Towards Israel Following Border Attacks
Following the hostile Israeli attacks on Egyptian borders which left three soldiers dead, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) released a statement Sunday demanding that the Israeli Ambassador be expelled and the Egyptian Ambassador in Tel Aviv summoned. The statement also called for reviewing the peace treaty with Israel and restoring full control over Sinai.
The statement asserted that Egypt is different after the revolution, and such a crime should not be without consequences.
The MB’s statement warned that Israel is wrong if it believes that the Egyptian army is too preoccupied with domestic politics, or the disagreements among country’s political forces around domesitc issues, will give it the opportunity to commit its crimes without being held accounatble.
"All Egyptians, regardless of ideological differences, always have and always will be united together and with the army and will not tolerate any aggression against their country"
“Egyptians are prepared to fight and defend their nation's soil and sons,” the statement added.
Meanwhile, the MB rejected statements by US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton calling on Egypt to secure its borders, describing it as an unacceptable interference in Egypt’s affairs. It added that Egypt knows well how to protect its land and people.