التاريخ : السبت 06 مارس 2010 . القسم :
Haneyya: No cover for negotiations
GAZA, -- Palestinian premier Ismail Haneyya said that his government would not support any negotiations with the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) whether secret or public and whether direct or indirect.
Haneyya, speaking at the Palestinian legislative council's session in Gaza on Wednesday, said that the government would never accept negotiations while the IOA is escalating attacks on occupied Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque.
The Arab ministers meeting in Cairo should have adopted a firmer stand in response to the IOA attacks on holy shrines in occupied Palestine instead of providing cover for the Ramallah authority to conduct more futile talks with the IOA, the premier said.
He hoped that the Arab follow up committee would re-consider its position.
Haneyya said that his government would adopt necessary policies to protect Jerusalem and holy shrines and to spread awareness on dangers threatening them.
He proposed a day of protests on Friday against the IOA attacks on Islamic holy shrines.
Haneyy's proposal was echoed by Hamas in the northern Gaza district that announced on Wednesday night it would organize a massive march after the Friday congregation to reject the IOA announcement of annexing Ibrahimi and Bilal mosques to the list of Jewish historical sites.