التاريخ : الخميس 03 ديسمبر 2009 . القسم :
The Muslim Brotherhood condemns barbaric bombings in Somalia.
In an exclusive statement to Ikhwanweb, Dr Mohamed Habib deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood condemns the latest criminal and barbaric bombings targeting innocent Somali citizens. The bombings have also been aimed at national Somali resistance in an attempt to upset stability in the region.
Habib implored the Somalis to heed all planned efforts made to cause strife and unrest within Somalia calling on them to commit to peaceful talks which will ultimately result in harmony and serenity.
The Muslim Brotherhood deeply condemns the violent and barbaric attacks with the killing of innocent lives and needless spilling of blood. Habib added "Islam is a religion which promotes a peaceful existence and the spilling of blood is against all that Islam advocates and it is important to preserve the sacredness of human lives".
Habib called on all the Arab and Muslim leaders to quickly intervene as the continued attacks and killings will have a negative impact on the Muslims of the Arab world in particular and the region in general.
He concluded requesting that the Arab League and all the Muslim organizations both governmental and non governmental demonstrate their disagreement and anger to the attacks advocating even the simplest of human rights; which simply is the right to exist is.