التاريخ : الاثنين 19 أكتوبر 2009 . القسم :
A statement from the Muslim Brotherhood, regarding rumours of the Chairman's resignation.
The Muslim Brotherhood confirms that there is no authenticity to rumours regarding the resignation of the Chairman Mr Mohamed Mahdy Akef. The allegations made by various unknown sources in the media have no basis and rumours are merely fabricated lies. The chairman is actively conducting all businesses connected to the brotherhood and is working with the executive bureau members.
The Brotherhood denounces the fallacy of the continued claims of his resignation despite his announcement in an interview with Ikhwanweb (The official Muslim Brotherhood website) on Sunday October 18 where he denied any intentions of resigning.
The Brotherhood asserts that it values their leader and chairman Mr Mohamed Mahdy Akef and appreciates his unwavering efforts. His resolute attitude to his responsibilities towards peaceful reform is much admired where he works in promoting the movement's ideology which has successfully served the nation for numerous decades.
In concluding, the Muslim Brotherhood calls upon Allah to inspire the movement and its members to continue in their cause with the same steadiness and insistence in serving Islam and Muslims all over the world.
والله أكبر ولله الحمد
الإخوان المسلمون