التاريخ : الأحد 18 أكتوبر 2009 . القسم : Media Statements

Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood denies fabricated allegations of his resignation.

Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood  Mohammed Mahdy Akef expressed his surprise on allegations by numerous media sources of his resignation today. He in fact asserted that he was in his office earlier conducting meetings and organizing his up-coming agenda. Akef emphasized that he analyzed these allegations by the media as using measures to serve as a diversion to more important events.
In a statement to Ikhwanonline Akef ascertained that "I am sure there are more important incidents which are facts not fiction in regards to the movement such as the governing regime's barbaric invasions and raids on the homes of innocent members and the arrests and confiscating of belongings along with the interference in any activities of the group. These are facts which need to be emphasized not the host of fabricated and false accusations in which some of the media seems to be wasting its energy on".
Akef abstained in replying to these allegations stating that these issues were the concern of only the Brotherhood and its members and had nothing to do with the public. He advised the media to concentrate on the activities of the Brotherhood out in the streets and to document what really is out there in regards to the regime's continued violation of the peoples' freedom and liberties.