التاريخ : الأربعاء 07 أكتوبر 2009 . القسم :
Morsy calls for a national “uprising to save Al-Aqsa
Dr. Mohamed Morsy, member of the Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau, condemned the Palestinian Authority's (PA) request to the UN Human Rights Council to postpone the consideration of the damning report prepared by the Commission of Inquiry to investigate war crimes against humanity, committed by Israel during the Gaza war.
In an exclusive statements to Ikhwanweb, Morsy ascertained that the "The Muslim Brotherhood views the report prepared by the Commission headed by the former international war crimes prosecutor Richard Goldstone as proof of the Zionist crimes as well as evidence that there is a deteriorating of the Palestinian Authority’s hierarchy. They completely subjected to the U.S.-Israeli's orders."
“The decision taken by Ramallah to withdraw the Goldstone report was reckless and irresponsible of the Palestinian Authority. It only proves that the PA bows to the dictation of the United States and its allies in the region. The decision to ignore crimes involving the innocent lives of the children of Gaza denotes that the Arab and Islamic governments express full solidarity with the PA which had previously expressed support for the report. It is a great crime committed against the Palestinians with the blessing of the Palestinian Authority and Arab and Islamic regimes. The Israeli occupation forces must be held accountable for the shedding of the blood of more than 1400 Palestinian martyrs who died in the recent aggression on the Gaza Strip. More than half of those killed were children and hundreds of thousands were injured and disabled, furthermore thousands of homes were destroyed leaving those who had some sort of existence without homes".
Dr. Mohamed Morsy expressed outrage on the situation adopted by the Western-backed Palestinian Authority that engaged in arbitrary arrests and assassinations of the Palestinian armed resistance in the West Bank. The arbitrary detentions took place in collaboration with the Israeli occupation forces supervision and notable absence of any effective role by the Arab regimes accompanied by the international conspiracy to besiege the defenseless Palestinians.
Morsy also noted that the 'reckless' delay of the UN report can not be separated from other developments including the Israeli occupation forces' attempt to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque and the besieging of the worshipers inside the mosque in an effort to liquidate the Palestinian issue in accordance with the schemes of the United states and Israel in the Arab region.
The decision by the UN Human Rights Council to postpone the consideration of Richard Goldstone’s report coincides with the serious escalation of Israeli attacks on Arab and Islamic rights in Jerusalem. Morsi added that "The Israeli’s aggressions has increased with the digging of more tunnels under Al-Aqsa Mosque and the barbaric and unjust confiscation of more lands and homes in Jerusalem which are handed over to the Jewish people".
Morsy warned of the presence of new U.S.-Israeli conspiracies to reshape the future of the Middle East. He added that "The three-way meeting between Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu and the U.S. President Barack Obama which took place recently in New York on the sidelines of this week's annual U.N. General Assembly session as a key are likely to be more serious move in the region soon.
"US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's remarks reveals that the U.S. exerted pressure on the Palestinian Authority and Arab and Islamic countries to postpone contemplation of Goldstone’s report,' He stressed that the U.S.'s position unveiled the fact that the new US administration adopts policies contrary to former allegations by Barak deluding the Arabs and Muslims of promises by softly-spoken rhetoric.
Morsy concluded by calling on the Arab and Muslim nations and free people all over the world to act promptly to revive the cause calling for the rights of the Palestinians. There is a wide conspiracy to end the Palestinian cause; however, despite recent developments the bet will remain on the patriotic sons and on the armed resistance against the barbaric, unjust, unacceptable and deplorable Israeli occupation forces ruling out any possibility of the surrender to the ruling regimes whims.