التاريخ : الأحد 04 أكتوبر 2009 . القسم :
Habib: IOF and the U.S. administration behind recent wave of arrests
Israeli Haaretz newspaper published an article today stating that the Israeli defense establishment recently relaunched its campaign with its Western partners to block Hamas' fund-raising network. Israeli efforts have had some success in recent years, where funding Hamas has been operating since the 1980s and early 1990s from Muslim Charities all over the world, helping Hamas to withstand and relatively compete with the Palestinian Authority under Fatah in Ramallah, which enjoys billions of dollars annually in donations and grants by Western and Arab governments, the newspaper said.
In an exclusive statement to Ikhwanweb, the Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mohammed Habib said that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF), during the recent aggression on the Gaza Strip as well as the ongoing wars launched against the Palestinian people, was aimed at breaking the will of the Palestinians, isolating their elected leadership, disabling the resistance through shelling by tanks and aircraft and internationally proscribed weapons. The occupation failed to achieve its objective of eliminating resistance, seeking to achieve the same abhorrent goals by maintaining the embargo so that the Palestinians suffer from lack of food, water and medicine. Hence, they are preventing any opportunity for reconstruction as well as preventing any funds coming to Hamas movement.
In the same context, the newpaper reported that the Muslim Brotherhood is the main source of cash flow to Hamas by "charity coalitions" affiliated with the Brotherhood, Habib said. He continued that the Movement morally and politically supports the Palestinians by all means with the help of the Egyptian people, Arab and entire Islamic nation with all various political trends contrary to the Israeli newspaper’s claims.
Dr. Habib has attributed these media campaigns promoted by the Israel occupation forces and arrests of the Brotherhood leaders, including Dr. Aboul-Fotouh and his brothers, in order to prevent relief and charitable work in the Gaza Strip, adding that the recent detentions and false accusations indicted against members of the movement are closely romped up by Israel and the U.S. administration would be tantamount to a real liquidation of the Palestinian cause.
An international scenario is underway to overtly cover up attempts aimed at Judaizing Jerusalem without any active measures taken from the feeble Arab regimes, who are not only spiritless, but suppress any attempts to salvage the holy areas, Dr. Habib said.
Habib concluded calling for the ruling regimes, and NGOs not to stand silent before these malicious attempts aimed at Judaizing Jerusalem or preventing fund-raising for the people in Gaza under siege. What is happening now in Gaza is a disaster under all international conventions.