التاريخ : الجمعة 18 سبتمبر 2009 . القسم :
Commit a sin twice and it will not seem a crime
Israel and Serbia have a long history of friendly relations and share similar views on many regional issues. The two nations have a history of amicable relations, where they fought together during the second world war shoulder to shoulder, Serbs and Jews, against the Nazis.
That said, it is no wonder they commended each other during Lieberman's visit to Serbia, where the two nations briefed each other on different topics, with Lieberman telling the Serbians of developments in the Middle East and the challenges he believed the Israeli occupation faces in regards to the Palestinian issues and his readiness to engage in direct negotiations.
They also discussed at length the so called threat that Iran poses to the stability and security in the Middle East, saying that it should be dealt with by the international community in a serious manner, forgetting the real threat.
When questioned about the Middle East he asserted that peace and security in the Middle East will lead to peace and security in the world.
It is without a doubt that we all advocate peace, but what is ironic are the allegations Lieberman claimed, blaming the biggest problem of the Middle East on the radicals, with clashes between moderates and extremists, not disputes or disagreements between us and the Palestinian Authority. Lieberman completely forgot the Israeli occupation and aggression on an innocent people alleging that there were no disputes or disagreements between the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian Authority. Lieberman continued with his charade "we have said from the first day of this government that we are ready immediately for direct talks with the Palestinians side. The Palestinians have refused to date to sit around the table and to start with the talks".
Lieberman listed his beliefs of instability with accusations that the threat for the Palestinian Authority is not from Israel but rather Hamas and Jihad, and the real threat for the Hariri coalition in Lebanon is not Israel, but Hezbollah and the biggest threat for Egypt is not Israel, but the Muslim Brotherhood.
It is clear his line of thought have no intentions of fixing relationship and initiating and promoting stability and peace but rather at deciding on who to point his finger at and who to blame shedding light on the Jewish proverb " Commit a sin twice and it will not seem a crime".