التاريخ : الخميس 10 سبتمبر 2009 . القسم :
Muslim Brotherhood: Detentions and suppression will only strengthen our resolve
Dr. Mohamed Habib, the Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, confirmed the importance of freedom in any community.
"For any elections to be credible there must be equal opportunities for all. The detentions of opposition powers and individuals proves it difficult for any electoral results to
have any sort of credibility where the elections are held in an unhealthy environment. However the Muslim Brotherhood will not be deterred where measures by the regime in the form of the detentions of a number of our prestigious leaders aim at debilitating any efforts on our behalf."
In a related issue, Dr. Abdul Hameed Ghazaly has asserted that elections within the movement will continue according to their agenda, regardless of the continued detentions, tyranny and opposition that the movement's members face.
"It is a cause in which we believe in suppression will only result in strengthening us," he said.