التاريخ : الأربعاء 13 مايو 2009 . القسم :
Somali MB Calls For Dialogue and Immediate Cease-Fire
In a statement, the Somali Reform Movement, called for “an unconditional and immediate cease-fire in the Somali capital Mogadishu and other cities.” The movement further called for “dialogue to resolve differences among factions according to the tolerant Islamic legislation and using the logic of reason and negotiation rather than the rifle.”
The movement also stressed in its statement the importance of “working together to achieve peace and national accord in Somalia, primarily the capital,” as well as the importance of “working with international organizations delivering aid to the harmed and bringing residents back to their homes.”
Dr. Ali Basha Omar, the Reform Movement’s head, explained that, “for decades, Somalia had been witnessing bloody civil wars driven by political aims and that all parties had failed in imposing their wills and achieving their political aims using force and weapons.” Omar added that, “in fact, the only result has been destruction in all the domains” emphasizing that the Somali people “have become weary of the woes of repeated wars and echoes of artilleries under different banners and has lately been trying to rise up out of the destruction as a result of the Ethiopian invasion; hence, re-instigating wars would be unreasonable.”