التاريخ : الخميس 07 مايو 2009 . القسم :
Political Powers Statement on Judaization of Jerusalem
The Islamic and Arab world, even the whole world observe what commit Zionist occupier on genocide, desolation in Palestinian territories, besides the suffocating siege against Palestinians in order to subdue, subjugate, humiliate with aim to enforce surrender. What is going on the Holy City of Jerusalem after the latest Gaza destruction crime, schemes and practices aim at Judaization, and change the historical religious, demographic, and political identity to establish racially pure Jewish capital of the Zionist entity, within plans targeting our Arab and Islamic nation.
The conferees of the national political powers, parliamentarians, opposition parties, independent, and intellectuals as part of the fabric of the nation strongly condemn these attempts by the Zionist entity that fully backed with different World Zionist circles, and supported by the Governments in the West as primarily by the United States, Britain, and France. It is sponsored by Arab and Islamic regimes as well as the international organizations.
The facts and figures clarify the terrible crimes committed in the recent period. Zionist conspiracy in the Holy Jerusalem have reached its peak as there is whole Arab neighborhoods threatened with destruction, removal such as Silwan to the Sheikh Jarrah. In fact, there is an ethnic cleansing under way in broad daylight. More than 60 thousands of Jerusalemites threatened with expulsion from their homes… Just like the days of the catastrophe in which we live its 61st painful anniversary nowadays… Then the great catastrophe whereas which lies in these attempt to set up a Marquette for their alleged Temple on the ruins of the blessed Al Aqsa Mosque after it becomes threatened now with collapse due to Zionist sabotage below it.
We, therefore, appeal to Muslim scholars and Christian clergy who reject the Judaization of Jerusalem since the Zionist project commenced. Furthermore, we adjure all World Free Men people of conscience to stand together and to pre-empt Zionism measures that threaten one of the most sacred sanctuaries of our Arab and Islamic Nation. It represents a historical and cultural heritage of all humanity, can not be left in the hands of a handful threatened with extinction...
Regimes and governments that revolted for Buddha"s statues in Afghanistan to prevent detonation as a human heritage, today unable and keep silent watching, perhaps even conspiring or complicit with the Zionists without giving any slightest regard for this priceless humanitarian and religious hermitage...
As for Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims who hold the case in their shoulders everywhere, they all is invited to politically, informatory and legally move, resist by all forms and means, including the economic boycott to the Zionist entity and who supports. Everyone should continue stationed in the city, in Al-Aqsa courtyards and in all of Palestine to protect from attacks of the Zionist rapists.
What take place decisively proves that all calls to surrender untrue, and that no peace with the Zionist entity, the matter that calls for a Palestinian unity, solidarity and unification, disdain differences and rise to the challenge that issue entirely
subject to…
In this regard we call upon the whole nation to the following:
1. The move and the effective pressure triggered by the public opinion and by all peaceful means against Arab and Islamic regimes to play role and take the responsibility would stop this disaster, affirming that Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque are responsibility of all Arabs and Muslims and can not be subject to negotiation.
2. The international and local organizations and institutions of civil society should move to stop Zionism schemes, and to defuse Zionist attempts to ignite 3rd world war as they historically did before.
3. All political, diplomatic and economic ties with Zionist enemy should be severed, and all that required like expulsion of ambassadors, cessation of normalization, and activation all forms of boycott.
4. All alleged peace agreements concluded between Zionists and some Arab and Islamic countries must be cancelled; declare all irregularities against all these alleged conventions now.
5. All parliamentarians in Egypt and other Arab and Muslim countries invited including Palestine to play an active role in the struggle against the Zionist plans for Judaization of Jerusalem and destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and activation of the Jerusalem Committee.
6. Friday, 15/5/2009 AD, to be announced World"s Day of Anger to Arab and Islamic peoples and the free world to stand united against the Zionists and their project and aggression against all support or stand behind.
7. The Continuous advocacy to repeat such angry stances against the Zionists, as an ethical, humane, patriotic, national, and legal duty.
Cairo: 12 Jumada I, 1430 AH: 7 May 2009 A.D.