التاريخ : الأربعاء 25 فبراير 2009 . القسم :
MB Statement on the increasing Zionist attempts to Judaize Jerusalem
While Arabs are busy with their disputes, trying to make reconciliation between their governments and striving to hold the regular coming summit in Qatar, with the attendance of all member states, the Zionist carry out their attempts in “Judaizing Jerusalem” and evacuating it from original natives, Palestinians.
While the Palestinian Authority is running after the deceptive mirage of negotiations, the enemy carries on implementing their policy of “swallowing” the West Bank and Jerusalem in particular.
The enemy, who withdrew from Gaza under resistance’s pressure and its resilience, withdrew from Southern Lebanon too under the pressure of the resistance and its missiles, and withdrew from Sinai after the triumph liberating battle in Ramadan/ October 1973, this enemy does not understand any language other than the language of resistance.
Muslim Brotherhood is warning from staying quite about the Zionist plans, which are being confirmed everyday under a right-wing extremist “Knesset” and a racist government led by war criminals who do not stop threatening of deporting a million and a quarter a million Palestinian from 1948 land, those who do not feel ashamed of threatening to hit the High Dam to flood Egypt, those who support further settlement in the West Bank and who refuses all solutions aiming at forming a Palestinian state as the history proves.
Arab rulers and Arab nations have to understand that the way to liberate and free Jerusalem and restore Islamic and Christian sanctities, in particular Al-Aqsa mosque and the Church of Holy sepulchre, is by uniting Palestinians, uniting Arabs and allowing to free the Arab will and uniting Muslims in one project of all sorts of resistance, firstly, by stopping the deterrioration of the official arab position, forming a Palestinian national unity government with arab support, supporting resdistance as a mean of liberation, supporting the steadfastness of our people in Jerusalem, in 1948 land and in Palestine as a whole .
A comrehensive review of the shameful agreements in “Camp David”, “Oslo” and “Wadi Araba” needs to be done, as it became the means used by the enemy to pass its plans and achieve its goals.
(…They plot, but Allah (also) plotteth; and Allah is the best of plotters.) (Al-Anfal-30)
(And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited…) (Al-Imran- 103)
Arab regimes and governments as well as the Organization of Islamic Conference have to take responsibility of saving the sacred city from the continuous Judaization going on and stop incidents like deportation of 88 Palestinian family in Al-Bustan area, Silwan, Jerusalem. Arab regiems are capable, God Willing, of preventing this from happening when they unite and gain the will to act properly.
Muslim Brotherhood
Cairo, February 23rd