التاريخ : الخميس 17 يوليو 2008 . القسم :
Muslim Brotherhood Slams Int’l Court Charges against Sudan President
Muslim Brotherhood denounced the genocide charges filed by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court against Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir on Monday.
In the statement signed by MB Chairman Mahdi Akef, he emphasized MB"s condemnation of the decision, considering it "interference in Sudan"s internal affairs and violation of its sovereignty."
The statement called on the Arab League to sponsor an exceptional summit of Arab presidents, kings, and leaders to unite in solidarity with Sudan. Further, it called on Egypt to assume its leading role at all international organizations to defend the Sudan, the strategic neighbor of Egypt.
In addition, the MB called on Al-Bashir to exert more efforts in communication with national and political forces in the country and give up all political disagreements.
It also called upon international institutions to respect their laws and charters and assume its original role for which they were supposedly established, instead of serving interests of the US Administration that "blackmails Sudan and seeks to control its wealth."