التاريخ : الخميس 10 ابريل 2008 . القسم :
Menia MBs: Oppression Won’t Hinder Our Push for Reform
On Wednesday, Muslim Brotherhood at al-Menia governorates issue a statement conveying that they will continue their reform and march for change march despite of the government oppression and their exclusion from local elections
They indicated that their attempts to run for the local elections was a means of peaceful change to fulfill their historical and legal duties towards their beloved country and a clear declaration that there are still people who can resist a tyrannical regime.
In their statement, Menia MBs stated "although we only competed for 10% of the number of seats in Menia, but the regime immorally and illogically faced our attempts in a barbaric way and prvented our candidates from registering to get their names on the ballots. Such practices indicated the failure of the regime".
They added that such practices included the arrests of many brothers before applying for the elections, refusal to accept our candidates applications, and moreover, refusal to execute the judicial decisions to place the MB"s candidates in the ballots.