التاريخ : السبت 15 مارس 2008 . القسم :
Brotherhood Chairman:Gov’t Attacks on Freedoms Unprecedented
Mohamed Mahdi Akef, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) chairman, accused the Egyptian regime of violating the very basic rights and freedoms of its citizens in an unprecedented manner, which became evident in the latest government sponsored violence against citizens trying to practice their constitutional rights by running for elections or peacefully opposing the regime’s policies.
"I wonder how Egypt is ruled!",Akef said in a press conference held in MB headquarters on Saturday afternoon to reveal the Egyptian regime"s violations against MB potential candidates in the run-up to the municipal elections.
Mr.Akef pointed out that the group fielded 10,000 candidates for the elections, but only 500 of them managed to submit their papers because the rest were denied access to registeration offices.
"I call on all decent people in Egypt, topped by parties and civil society institutions to confront tyranny", he said pointing out that the regime in Egypt is ruled with arrogant and criminal methods so that people eventually would give up their rights in despair.
Then Mohamed Habib, the first deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, read the MB"s statement on the municipal elections, a copy of which was obtained by Ikhwanweb.
Dr. Habib pointed out that The Muslim Brotherhood announced that its commitment to democracy based on political pluralism and a peaceful transfer of power, that the nation is the source of authorities, that people have the fundamental option to choose their rulers, members of parliament and representatives, the program that truly reflects their ambitions and aspirations, all this through free, transparent and fair elections.