التاريخ : الجمعة 29 فبراير 2008 . القسم :
MB Bloc Condemns Israeli Massacres in Gaza , Demands Emergency House Session
The Muslim Brotherhood"s (MB) parliamentary bloc condemned the hideous massacre committed by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in Gaza killing total of 32 including young children since Wednesday evening.
It confirmed in a statement signed by Dr. Mohamed Saad Al Katatni, the chairman of the MB parliamentary bloc in the People"s Assembly, that this massacre is an extension of the IOF"s policy of genocide against the Palestinians through maintaining the blockade and the policy of starvation and stopping water and electricity supplies to Gaza strip residents.
It stressed that this massacre is a message that the IOF want to send to Arab countries ahead of the next Arab summit scheduled to be held in Damascus , pointing out that it requires a serious Arab and Islamic attitude to stop these repeated violations and hold perpetrators accountable because they are war criminals.
The MB bloc called on Arab and Islamic regimes and peoples to take a serious attitude against these massacres and to work for ending the blockade imposed on Gaza Strip. It also called on Arab and international parliaments to exercise pressure on their governments to take serious attitudes towards what is currently committed in Gaza Strip and not to restrict reactions to mere condemnation and rejection to this massacre.
The bloc demanded the Egyptian People"s Assembly hold an emergency session early next week to study ways of backing the Palestinian people and stopping the IOF violations.
This is the text of the statement:
A Statement from the MB Parliamentary Bloc
The Muslim Brotherhood"s (MB) parliamentary bloc condemned the hideous massacre committed by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in Gaza killing 21 including young children since Wednesday evening.
The bloc confirms that this massacre is an extension of the IOF"s policy of genocide against the Palestinians through maintaining the blockade and the policy of starvation and stopping water and electricity supplies to Gaza strip residents.
The MB bloc calls on Arab and Islamic regimes and peoples to take a serious attitude against these massacres and to work for ending the blockade imposed on Gaza Strip.
It also calls on Arab and international parliaments to exercise pressure on their governments to take serious attitudes towards what is currently committed in Gaza Strip and not to restrict reactions to mere condemnation and rejection to this massacre.
The bloc calls on the Egyptian People"s Assembly to hold an extraordinary session early next week to study ways of backing the Palestinian people and stopping the IOF violations.
The bloc confirms also that this massacre is a message that the IOF want to send to Arab countries ahead of the next Arab summit scheduled to be held in Damascus , pointing out that it requires a serious Arab and Islamic attitude to stop these repeated violations and hold perpetrators accountable because they are war criminals.
Dr. Mohamed Saad Al Katatni
Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc