التاريخ : الأحد 03 فبراير 2008 . القسم :
OIC Parliaments Slash out at Gaza Siege
Participants in the conference of the parliaments of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) condemned the siege imposed by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Gaza. The participants called, in their conference held in the Egyptian capital Cairo, for immediately ending this siege.Amjad Nuri, top advisor of the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, took part in the conference held on Thursday Jan 31st, 2008 criticized the Israeli siege over Gaza and discussed his country"s nuclear file, pointing out that the United States takes interest in international mechanisms only when they meet its objectives and interests.
Dr. Fathi Sorour, the Egyptian People"s Assembly Speaker, took part in the conference and he attacked, in his speech to the conference, the US bias to Israel at the expense of the Palestinians. His speech included also urging the Lebanese to end their disagreements in order to maintain the unity of Lebanon.The speech of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, delivered on behalf of him by Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif, underlined necessarily raching a fair settlement for the Palestinian cause to ensure the Palestinians" right to establish their state whose capital is Jerusalem.
He also stressed that the Islamic World is facing a very serious stage due to disputes among Arab sister countries and schemes aiming to divide Muslims.
For his part, OIC"s Secretary General, Akmalodding Ihsanoglo, praised the Egyptian decision of opening Rafah border crossing with Gaza to allow siege-ravaged Palestinians to take their commodities, food fuel and medical needs.Amr Moussa, the Arab League"s secretary-general, said in his speech that the Inter-Palestinian infighting is in its worst in history, pointing out that Israel take such infighting to its interest. Moussa called on Palestinians to close ranks.He also described practices exercised by IOF as "a genocide in the full meaning of the word", after 1.5 million Palestinians are left without basic needs and are displaced due to the unfair IOF siege"