التاريخ : الثلاثاء 29 يناير 2008 . القسم :
Algerian MSP Condemns Algiers Suicide Attack
A suicide bombing blast targeted a police station in a town near the Algerian capital on Tuesday Jan, 29th, killing at least four including three policemen, and critically wounding twenty others, Algerian security services said.Eyewitnesses said that policemen in the region noticed a Van Car rushing towards the police station and they fired at it preventing it from hitting the police station. They said also that the explosion severely damaged the area near the police station.
Tuesday"s explosion is one of a series of explosions, mostly suicide attacks, that have recently targeted Algeria, the latest of which was last Jan, 2nd, targeting a police station in the city of Boumerdes east of Algiers .Abdul Magid Al Manasera, the deputy secretary-general to the Movement for the Society of Peace (MSP) confirmed in statements to Ikhwanweb:" Themovement"s full condemnation to such terrorist acts that harms Algeria in the first place" ."Such acts of terrorism is one of the methods of theinternational terrorism that aim to destabilize the Arab Region, and it is an attempt to hit Algerian security in particular", he said adding that such acts distort the image of Islam which free of such violence.
However, he downplayed these acts saying it will never manage to destabilize the country.For its part, Algerian government called on citizens to be on full alert to protect Algeria for any more strikes that are actually defaming the homeland and the tolerant religion of Islam.One of the latest explosions in Algeria hit UN premises in mid December 2007 leaving about 17 deaths.
Al-Qaeda network claimed its responsibility for a number of previous explosions including the one that hit UN premises but no one has claimed responsibility for Tuesday"s explosion yet.