التاريخ : الاثنين 21 يناير 2008 . القسم :
Seven Months elapsed since Kareem Arbaji was arrested
Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC)
SHRC, BCM Box: 2789, London WC1N 3XX, UK
Fax: +44 (0)870 137 7678 - Email: shrc@shrc.org
Seven Months elapsed since Kareem Arbaji was arrested
Seven months have elapsed since the youth Kareem Arbaji vanished in the cellars of the Syrian Military Intelligence, and neither has his family been given permission to visit him, nor has anybody heard from him. Kareem Arbaji was arrested on 7/6/2007, in ?Al-Mantiqa Branch?, after being summoned there several times due to his taking part in an internet discussion, and what has been related of his participation in the ?Akawia Discussion Forum?. He was later transferred to the ?Palestine Branch for Military Interrogation?, a branch notorious for the inhumane torture and humiliating treatment that occurs within its walls. Some sources have related that he was recently moved to the ill-reputed ?Sednaya Military Prison? in order to prepare him for his trial at the Supreme State Security Court (SSSC).
The youth Kareem Arbaji (30 years) from Damascus is a graduate from the Faculty of Economics, department of Accountancy. He directs an office that runs consultation and other services to trading companies.
The Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC) expresses its deep concern at the on-going detention of the peaceful democratic activist Kareem Arbaji, and calls upon the Syrian Authorities to release him immediately. SHRC also points out that in the case of him having committed an illegal offence, he should be trialled in a normal and neutral court in which he enjoys his freedom and full rights as well as the right to defend himself.
SHRC also calls for the monitoring of Internet use to be lifted and for the practice of peaceful expression of one?s views to be allowed. Finally, SHRC calls upon local and international Human Rights Organisations to intervene in this issue and work for the release of Kareem Arbaji and all prisoners of conscience and political prisoners in the detention centres of the Syrian Regime.
Syrian Human Rights Committee
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