التاريخ : الأحد 20 يناير 2008 . القسم :
Somalia’s Muslim Brotherhood Denies Any Leadership Changes
Somali Harakat Al-Islah "Reform Movement" – the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot in Somalia- issued a statement a copy of which was obtained by Ikhwanweb, in which it denied holding any changes in its councils to leaders.
The movement said in its statement that some of media outlets have recently spoken about some changes held in to the Reform Movement, claims which are fully untrue.The movement confirmed also that those who declared such statements about the changes aren"t ordinary members in the movement, let alone being members n its advisory council or eadership.
The following is the text of the statement Claims issued by those who don"t belong to the movement Media outlets have recently published reports about possible changes in the councils and leadership of the movement, quoting persons who aren’t affiliated to the movement.
Accordingly, Harakat Al-Islah in Somalia declares that:-
1- No Change has been introduced to the various councils in the movement and change has been introduced to its basic system and regulations. What various media sources issued regarding these information are completely groundless and are mere lies that aim to distort the image of the movement and its achievements and policies based on a peaceful change, national reconciliation, rejecting any foreign intervention and rejecting all forms of violence among Somali citizens.
2- Persons who issued this information are not ordinary members in the movement, let alone being members in its legislative or executive councils. Some of these persons have lost their membership after committing organizational violations and some others chose to leave the movement and joined other groups which are at odds with the movement in terms of method, visions and attitudes like the Islamic Courts and others.
3-The movement declares to its members, supporters, sympathizers and peoples that it is not responsible for any declaration issued or any action carried out by any party or person outside its councils or members, for which it disclaims any sort of responsibility.
Finally, we remind everyone that the Reform Movement has been established to achieve its human and Islamic message, to help Somali society to rise again from its painful relapses. This can be realized on the basis of the Islamic moderate method that stems from Islamic Sharia purposes, according to an understanding of the status of society reality and through solving its problems and addressing its needs taking into consideration international influences and Somalia"s need for a positive an international cooperation.
The movement works also for providing social services like education, health and relief. It also works for reaching reconciliation, dialogue and reform domestic affairs in Somalia to solve aggravating crises and to reach a national accord and political stability through cooperating with all Somali political and social powers in addition to other parties concerned with Somali affairs.
On the occasion of the beginning of the new Hegira year, the movement wishes peace, happiness, progress and stability for all Islamic Nations and people all over the world.
Al-Abdullah Ali Hiali
Reform Movement"s spokesman