التاريخ : السبت 19 يناير 2008 . القسم :
Abdul Rahman Wazzan Arrested
Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC)
SHRC, BCM Box: 2789, London WC1N 3XX, UK
Fax: +44 (0)870 137 7678 - Email: shrc@shrc.org
Abdul Rahman Wazzan Arrested
An informed source in France has relayed the news that Mr. Abdul Rahman Wazzan travelled to Syria in mid-December 2007 to spend Eid al-Adha in Aleppo and to visit his family to sort out some legal issues arisen after the death of his mother; however he was arrested upon arriving at Damascus International Airport. Since then nobody has known anything about him or his whereabouts.
Mr Abdul Rahman Wazzan, a civil engineer (50 years) from Aleppo, has been living in France for the last 20 years, a father of 11 children and a wife who live in a state extreme anxiety in the absence of their provider who originally suffers of hard living situation.
The Syrian Human Rights Committee, while closely and anxiously observing the wave of detention against returnees and visitors to Syria, requests that the Syrian authorities should immediately release Mr Abdul Rahman Wazzan and the other detainees.
Syrian Human Rights Committee
Tenth Member of Damascus Declaration Arrested
The Internal Security Branch arrested Mr Marwan al-Auch on Tuesday 15/1/2008.
Mr al-Auch (from Damascus) is a geologic engineer, an independent syndicate member and a member in the national council of Damascus Declaration. The number of those arrested since the crackdown by security authorities started against Damascus Declaration?s activists in 9th December 2007 has risen by his arrest to 10 members.
The Syrian Human Rights Committee requests the immediate release of Marwan al-Auch as well as his nine colleagues, to finish arresting Damascus Declaration activists, to allow citizens to assembly and express their view-points and to guarantee their right to peacefully change the despotic rule dominating for the last 45 years.
Syrian Human Rights Committee