التاريخ : الأربعاء 28 نوفمبر 2007 . القسم :
Habib: Annapolis Conference only Photo Op
Dr. Mohamed Habib, the first deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), lashed out at the US-hosted Middle East peace talks conference in the city of Annapolis . Habib added that this conference aims only to improve the ugly image of the US administration which has plunged into a quagmire of failures due to its unsuccessful policies everywhere, policies which deprived it of its respect and the role it seeks to play in the world.
This conference aims also to bolster the US relations with the so called axis of moderation that includes Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Egypt and Jordan , in addition to Israel against the so called axis of evil that includes Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine and others. This means making Middle East countries fight each other.
Habib pointed out also that this conference is an attempt to merge Israel into Arab countries, and finding ways to normalize relations between those countries and Israel .
The MB leader confirmed that the results of this conference will never be to the benefit of the Palestinian people. This meeting is merely a photo opportunity in which leaders can smile and take photos. Habib added that the US administration has become in a critical situation. Only one year left for his second term, Bush scuffles to do anything before leaving office.
Habib sees that the US administration has no real intentions towards the Palestinian cause. The Palestinian delegation headed by PA president Mahmoud Abbas along with delegations of other Arab countries will return home empty-handed. The only beneficiary from this conference is the US administration, said Habib.
Earlier, Mohamed Mahdi Akef, the chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, demanded Arab and Muslim rulers to support the Palestinian people and to support the Palestinian cause and not to attend this suspicious conference which he called " surrender conference". Akef considered this conference as an attempt to impose "an obligatory settlement" on the Arab Region altogether.
For his part, Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, the general manager of Al-Arabiya News Channel, voiced his doubts in an article he wrote Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, that this Annapolis conference yields any result. "When we see a so much overblown scene, we must be sure that there are hidden intentions behind it", said Al-Rashed, adding that this conference will only see speeches with no deeds in a scene which has been repeated throughout the past fifty year.
The BBC quoted several observers voicing their concerns over the potential results of this conference. They pointed out that the attendance of Arab countries like The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Syria in this US-hosted conference although they don"t recognize Israel , is actually embarrassing, confirming that this conference may not succeed.