التاريخ : الجمعة 06 يوليو 2007 . القسم :
Jordan: IAF to Participate in Municipal Elections
The executive office of the Islamic Action Front Party has decided to participate in the municipal elections, giving its objections to illegal violations. The following is the text of the statement:
After discussing informations presented by our candidates regarding the municipal election process in their meeting with the higher municipal election committee on Wednesday, June, 20th, 2007, the executive office confirms its objection to the committed violations, including not presenting voters names in some areas and the difference between final electoral rolls and those handed to some candidates and deleting many names of persons who failed to object to this.
There is also the stunning law of “the single vote” whose target is known for every one, in addition to other violations.
The IAF’s executive office has decided in its meeting held on Saturday, June, 23rd, 2007, going ahead in the Municipal election process out our belief in national interests and seeking a means of contact with sincere Jordanian compatriots and due to our commitment to our reformist method that requires a presence in the Jordanian arena whatever the circumstances and obstacles.
Chairman of the higher committee for municipal elections
Nimr Al Assaf
For his part, Zaki Bin Arshid, the Secretary-General of the Islamic Action Front Party, told Ikhwanweb that the decision of going ahead in participating in the Municipal elections that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs set the date next July, 22-24, for submitting candidacy papers for membership of the Municipal councils, came after a deliberate study. The party saw that we should run the elections despite the security exercises that the government do to obstruct the party candidates.
Bin Arshid pointed out that the party’s consultative council authorized the executive office to take decisions of participating according to the new regulations of the political process.
“The decision of participating has been issued to highlight our full commitment to the political practice and that the political participation is our means and method to change Jordan and lead it towards an advancing democratic society that respects and cooperates with the other“ added Bin Arshid.
Bin Arshid confirmed they won’t leave the political arena for the group of opportunists who give a priority to personal interests over homeland interests.