التاريخ : الثلاثاء 18 يوليو 2023 . القسم :
MB Congratulates the Muslim World on the Blessed Migration's Anniversary
On the occasion of the Prophet’s blessed migration (from Makkah to Madinah) and the advent of the new Hijri year (1445 AH), the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has the pleasure to congratulate the whole Muslim world, peoples, leaders and governments, on this great event which has had the greatest impact on the life of our Muslim nation and all mankind, thus deserving to be the first day of the Islamic calendar.
The Brotherhood calls on all Muslims to view this memory as an occasion to emigrate (get much closer) to Allah and His Messenger and adhere to His teachings in the Quran and Sharia; an occasion to renew their covenant (of full obedience) with Allah; an occasion to work to liberate man from slavery, except to Him, Glory be to Him; and an occasion to remove every obstacle in the way between man and his Lord; so that the believers would be delighted with His guidance.
"Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do." (Al-Nahl: 97)
Dr. Salah Abdel Haq
Acting Muslim Brotherhood General Guide
(Wednesday, 1 Muharram 1445 AH / 19 July 2023)