التاريخ : الثلاثاء 02 يناير 2024 . القسم : Media Statements

National Liberation Movements Do Not Die With The Demise Of Their Leaders

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) mourns the key Hamas leader Saleh Al-Arouri, deputy head of the Islamic Resistance Movement’s political bureau, who was martyred today, Tuesday, together with two leaders of Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, in a treacherous Zionist bombardment in Beirut.

As the Brotherhood mourns the martyr, Commander Al-Arouri, it views his assassination as an attempt to cover up the political and military failure that the Zionist entity has suffered in Gaza in the face of the victorious Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. The MB also considers the attack a composite offenc, by transferring the war outside the scope of occupied Palestine.

The MB believes that national liberation movements do not die with the demise of a leader, and that martyrdom for the sake of Allah is an evidence of the sincerity of the path and a role model for generations of liberation. 

The Brotherhood also stresses that martyrdom is an honour and a matter of selection, where only those whom Allah has chosen can attain. Allah Almighty said: ﴾ … And He may take to Himself from among you martyrs.﴿ (Al-Imran: 144). The martyrdom of Al-Arouri and his brothers will be a light on the path to liberating the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The MB extends its sincere condolences to the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas, and to all the Palestinian people, on the martyrdom of Commander Al-Arouri, his brothers, and all the martyrs of the war, and prays to Allah Almighty to bestow patience and solace on all. Allah Almighty said:  ﴾ … But give good news to those who patiently endure. Those who, when afflicted by a calamity, say, “To Allah, we belong, and to Him, we are returning.﴿ (Al-Baqara: 155-156).        

Allah Is the Greatest, and Praise Be to Allah,,

 The Muslim Brotherhood 

(Tuesday, 20 Jumada II 1445 AH / 2 January 2024)