التاريخ : الجمعة 02 فبراير 2024 . القسم : Press Releases

MB Condemns The Sentence Against Sheikh Ghannouchi

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) condemns the prison sentence against the 82-year-old Tunisian politician and Islamic thinker Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi, head of the Tunisian Ennahda Movement.

The MB asserts that this sentence is a political decision that comes within the framework of demolition of the democratic path that was established in Tunisia after its glorious revolution. 

The Brotherhood also asserts that politicization of the judiciary and turning it into a tool to punish political opponents neither serves the nation, nor achieves justice, nor reflects the popular will.

The Muslim Brotherhood calls for the immediate release of Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi and his brothers and calls on the Tunisian national group to rally around the higher national interest, overcome differences, and establish a state of justice and law.

                 Allah Is the Greatest, and Praise Be to Allah,,


MB Official Spokesperson

Osama Suleiman

(Friday, 21 Rajab 1445 AH / 2 February 2024 AD)