التاريخ : الأحد 21 ابريل 2024 . القسم : Media Statements

We condemn the comments of ‘Yisrael Katz’  and reiterate our support and backing for Palestine

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) condemns the comments of ‘Yisrael Katz’, the minister of foreign affairs of the apartheid entity charged with genocide, on his official account on X, regarding Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s hosting of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

The MB views this tweet an extension of the fabricated narratives that have been proven false to the whole world, in addition to the fact that they are crimes committed by the occupying entity and its armed gangs against our Arab Muslim people in Palestine, which are being prosecuted by the International Court of Justice.

At the political level, the MB views these comments as a failed attempt to shuffle the cards and influence the growing Turkish role, especially after the rising global support for Palestinian rights and the declining support for the occupying entity on various levels, for committing genocide and crimes against humanity. The Brotherhood also believes that such statements manifest a real crisis suffered by the occupation government, due to the war on Gaza.

The Muslim Brotherhood always reaffirms its full bias towards human values, the freedom of peoples and their right to self-determination – those rights that are supported by divine laws as well as international laws and norms, noting that the group only achieved its popular and official status and presence throughout its long history through its adoption of those principles and its bias toward those choices – especially the will for national liberation in a cause whose justice is never disputed by any fair parties, namely the Palestinian cause.

To conclude, the Brotherhood reiterates its adherence to the position in support of the Palestinian cause, until Palestine gains its freedom and independence, and the Muslim world be pleased with the liberation of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

MB Official Spokesperson

Osama Suleiman

(Sunday, 12  Shawwal 1445 AH / 21 April 2024 AD)