التاريخ : الأربعاء 22 مايو 2024 . القسم :
Norway, Ireland, and Spain's formal recognition of the Palestinian State is response to demonstrators’ calls and victory for the resistance
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) expresses its appreciation for Spain, Norway, and Ireland’s announcement of formal recognition of a Palestinian state, considering this step a victory for humanity, a response to the loud calls of demonstrators, in support of the Palestinian cause, and one of the manifestations of the victorious Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.
The MB appreciates the statements issued by leaders of the three countries, which emphasized recognition of an independent Palestinian state, that there cannot be peace in the Middle East without equality, and that the establishment of the Palestinian state will be a contributing factor in bringing peace to the region.
As the Norwegian Foreign Minister stated, the Gaza tragedy could have been avoided if this step had been taken immediately after the Oslo Accords.
The Brotherhood views the growing recognition of the Palestinian state -which has exceeded 140 countries - as an international affirmation of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, and rejection of occupation and settlement.
Therefore, the MB calls on the world countries to support recognition of the Palestinian state as a full member state of the United Nations with full sovereignty over its land, to establish peace and achieve stability.
MB Official Spokesperson
Osama Suleiman
(Wednesday, 14 Dhul-Qi’dah 1445 AH, 22 May 2024 AD)