التاريخ : الثلاثاء 28 مايو 2024 . القسم : Press Releases
Arrest of Ahmed El-Tantawy Is Political Machination and Revenge on Opposition
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) expresses its solidarity with Egyptian politician and former member of parliament Ahmed al-Tantawi, and his family, after his arrest today, in the wake of an unfair political trial, related to the regime’s attempts to impose restrictions on him and prevent him from running for the latest presidential elections (against Sisi).
The MB believes that the entire issue is a form of intrigue and revenge on political opponents, and use of legal tools to settle political scores – an approach usually followed by the regime with all political opponents, regardless of their affiliations.
The Brotherhood demands the immediate release of Ahmed al-Tantawi and all political detainees, including former members of parliament, ministers, and activists, and lifting the executive authority’s hand off the judiciary to establish justice and uphold the rule of law.
MB Media Spokesperson
Sohaib Abdel Maqsoud
(Monday, 19 Dhul-Qi’dah 1445 AH, 27 May 2024 AD)