التاريخ : الجمعة 07 يونيو 2024 . القسم :
Muslim Brotherhood: We Emphasize National Unity Despite the Statements of Pope Tawadros II
Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Mark, has iterated fallacious statements related to the martyr President Mohamed Morsi, alleging that sorrow, fear, and panic gripped the Copts after President Morsi won the presidential elections, ignoring that Coptic cadres and prominent figures were supportive of the president’s campaign, and many of them were members of the Freedom and Justice Party.
The respect we have for the homeland’s partners makes it difficult to comprehend such statements, promoted by Pope Tawadros II, at this particular time. Therefore, we call on him to pay more attention to the Egyptian citizen’s concerns –regardless of his religion or political orientation– and to maintain national participation, via playing a positive role to ease the burdens on the Egyptian citizen who suffers from tough living conditions.
Egypt's Copts are an integral part of its national fabric, who share with the rest of the Egyptian people the same economic and social pain and suffering that is aggravating day after day. They are also their partners in aspirations for a better tomorrow, where everyone will enjoy freedom, social justice, and equality in rights and duties without any discrimination.
Therefore, we view the Pope’s statements as only expressive of his person, and that they are unlikely to affect our firm position towards the homeland’s partners, believing that the homeland is for everyone and by everyone, and it will continue to embrace all its children, feeling proud of its religious, political, and cultural diversity, regardless of any short-sighted attitudes or actions. The homeland is for everyone and inclusive of everyone, and it is now in the greatest need for national unity.
MB Official Spokesperson
Osama Suleiman
(Thursday, 29 Dhul-Qi’dah 1445 AH, 6 June 2024 AD)