التاريخ : الجمعة 30 أغسطس 2024 . القسم : Weekly Letter
Sayyed Qutb, the hero that each of us wishes to be, albeit unreachable
Acting Muslim Brotherhood General Guide Dr. Salah Abdel Haq writes about Martyr Sayyed Qutb on his 58th. Anniversary:
Martyr Sayyed Qutb is such a rare high-profile figure that you feel it is fair enough to distinguish him (from others), whereas treating them on equal terms with others in this regard may be a kind of injustice to him.
Despite his thin and little body, due to his old age and ailments, he seemed the tallest, the broadest and the most handsome among us. And despite his suffering and deprivation due to the pain, cruelty, injustice and harm he was exposed to, he seemed to be shining with the lights of guidance, surrounded by the majesty of the right, and bright-faced by the splendor of faith – as the Qur’an granted him its secrets, revealed its treasures to him, flooded him with its fragrance, and filled him with guidance and light.
Though we knew him in difficult and stressful circumstances for a short period, yet, it was sufficient for us to realize the real virtues in our souls, the abundance of which is known only to Allah; and to realize the preciousness of the living idea that we have in our hands, that is tantamount to a religion for all people and a method for life in general; which makes us benefit well from it, and help people benefit from it as well, realizing that this precious thing that we have does not deserve all such neglect from our nation.
We knew him as a professor,
Who used to teach us that this religion was revealed for our sake and that it will be achieved and realized on the ground through our efforts therefore, we must strive, exert effort, have sincere intention and purpose; as Allah Almighty did not demand realization of the results of actions, but He only charged us with keenness to have a good intention and sincerity of orientation; so that we would not rush for achievement of results before appropriate use of means and tools, otherwise we would come back empty-handed.
He taught us that the universe has its own laws that are overreaching, and whoever violates them will receive his share of pain and injury.
He taught us that reality also has its own power and consideration, as it is the only determiner of one's ability; and if something is not possible (to reach or undertake), then there is a way out through keeping patient. Whoever wants to build a tower, let him first sit and calculate his expenses and what is necessary for its fulfilment so that he would not suffer insufficient expenses or inability to do the job altogether.
He taught us that there is a purpose for our existence and a justification for our leadership of humanity as well. This is because the truth is on our side - we Muslims - alone, together with its divine reference and origins from the Book of Allah (Holy Qur’an) and the Sunnah (traditions) of His Messenger, where everything else has been distorted and deviated from their origins.
And also because we have a method through which humanity can preserve the product of its genius, and benefit from it as well. It is a method based on sincere intention and honesty, away from misdirection, buffoonery, deception and lies, where the masses would not be eliminated for the sake of the illusory interests of a small group.
It is a method that does not have any reactionary concept at all; where there will be no violation of international accords, no aggression against minorities, whether citizens or foreigners; no disruption of systems of government representing people, and no revival of any reactionary appearance that does not cope with correct civilization; as Islam is all good..., given that it has established the fairest and best systems for all this. Allah Almighty said: ﴾ And We have not sent you, (O Mohamed), except as a mercy to the worlds. ﴿ (Mohamed: 38). It is a method known for its precise provisions, good depiction of matters, and broad inclusive vision, welcoming everything good and beneficial that does not contradict the principles and objectives of Islam.
Therefore, it established the principle of "absolute interests", considered the "customs" and rewarded "ijtihad" (the process of independent thought, combined with an understanding of the Quran, Arabic, and others, required to making proper judicial decisions) provided that its requirements are met, and respected the views of the Imam (ruler). In fact, time will reveal to people the greatness of this method that they were never aware of.
It is a lofty method, which only those with dull insight may turn away from, only those with perverted nature may deny it, only those who are good for nothing may fight it, and only those who adhered to the earth and followed their own desire may abandon it.
We knew him as a father,
Who knew us well and loved us; where we used to understand what he meant only through his facial expressions and his sparkling eyes. The slips of the tongue that we might hear from him used to show us the sweet affection, close feelings, strong ties, and sincere emotions burning within heart. He often said that emotions are the basis of civilizations.
He made us feel safe by his side, confident in his affection, and the unfeigned sympathy towards our mistakes and foolishness as well. With some of his open-mindedness from the early moment, he immediately discovered the sweet and delicious fruit deep in our souls, away from that hard shell with which we used to face the hardships of life so that we could survive.
One day, they offered him to be brought to the fore, to appear in the greatest appearance, to be granted the most magnificent titles – if he would only go along with them on the basis of baseness and inferiority, agree with them on treachery and deceit, and accept a lowly life, where there is no honor or chivalry; but his determination made him reject such offer, refusing to save himself from the calamity and leave us there alone, even if he was to force himself into the unpleasant fate.
In fact, he saw us as the best youth that the whole earth had borne in this generation, and that he would not easily give up on us or what we represent. So, he preferred to let us enjoy a long life, while he had made up his mind and went on, not paying attention to anything other than his fate that would never be missed, where he would reach what is with Allah of satisfaction and enjoyment.
We knew him as our Sheikh,
Who raised us and took care of us with his strong and righteous state that used to overflow with strength, perfection, knowledge and faith; and which, if directed to others, would move them from one state to another. He was our Sheikh who raised us and promised us that none of us would fail to perform his duties, no matter what his excuses were, “If you fall short, this system will diminish until it dies, thus, causing a heavy loss to the Da’wa (call), which is today the hope of Islam and Muslims”. Allah Almighty says: ﴾ … And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you. ﴿ (Mohamed: 38).
He was our Sheikh who advised us to train on keeping a good relationship with Allah Almighty; given that serious matters require a life strongly connected to Allah Almighty. ﴾ O Mary, be devoutly obedient to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow [in prayer]. ﴿ (Al-Imran: 23).
He was our Sheikh who taught us that a Muslim should show pride and self-esteem before his suppressors, and knows that it is just a short period that will pass, and that faith has an inevitable turn (to victory); and even if it was fatal to him, he should not bow his head to it; for all people die, but he only becomes a martyr, hearing the verses of the Holy Qur’an calling upon him to: ﴾Be not deceived by the [uninhibited] movement of the disbelievers throughout the land. [It is but] a small enjoyment; then their [final] refuge is Hell, and wretched is the resting place. ﴿ (Al-Imran: 179).
He was our leader,
Whom we knew for his honest judgment of historical events. He was as a fine shepherd among his subjects and a good father among his children. He used to comprehend manifestations of Allah’s will, denoted by His Qur’an verses, and teach them that the future belongs to this religion and that he has a role that he is called to perform, whether all his enemies accepted or rejected. This is because there is no other belief or method that can perform such a role on his behalf; and that the whole humanity will not be able to do without it for long.
When the time for his departure came, looming on the horizon, he took his last steps, hurrying up to the pleasure of his Lord, while a smile of contentment was on his noble, exhausted face, as he believed in a fair cause and did his best for it, winning rounds. He was freed from the complex of inferiority and fear, as he had tested the strength of his enemy and found it breakable and could be conquered; and he made his enemy feel the pain of his blows (through remaining steadfast on the truth). Therefore, it was his right to walk with his head held high upright with dignity, given that he had never submitted or surrendered.
He realized that fate had assigned him some consequences based on his merits; because human virtues are nothing but duties and burdens, and whoever realizes his virtues should bear his burdens.
When he passed away as a shining star; he had imposed his love and respect on everyone; lovers and haters alike. If he shared death with us, he singled himself out for glory alone. He achieved elevation and loftiness both in life and in death, for he was truly one of the miracles. With no statue erected for him, I told them that his deeds were his best statue. So, remember him, immortalize him, and add him in the register of the immortals.
Dr. Salah Abdel Haq
Acting Muslim Brotherhood General Guide
(Thursday, 25 Safar 1446 AH / 29 August 2024 AD)