التاريخ : الخميس 19 سبتمبر 2024 . القسم : The Next Generation
The Next Generation
What Abu Ubaida did not say!!
Dr Khaled Hamdy
Islamic preacher and educational consultant
"Now and then, our Abu Ubaida visits us, fulfilling our longing."
That masked person who instills pride and dignity in us within minutes, enough to last for weeks, even months, and maybe years.
He tells us about what the Mujahideen inflicted on the enemy’s ranks, including the killing of his soldiers, the destruction of his vehicles, and the combat surprises of his commanders.
His statements are not always devoid of reminders of the nation's duties towards the Holy Land and its defenders, starting with supplication and ending with doing what can be done to help them.
I often felt that Abu Ubaida wanted to say and ask us for more.
But time does not help him. Perhaps the broadcasting channels may not accept frank words that irritate the Zionists and their guardians more than they are agitated and motivated. Or perhaps...
The important thing is that I began to gather within myself what the man could have said if time had been more ample and the conversation had been more direct.
I imagined him wanting to say to every person with a mind, an idea, and an inventor:
Provide us with any ideas you have. The time has come for you to find an honorable and generous way to direct the products of your minds so that the governments of the West do not take possession of them and for which the traitors of the East do not harm you!!
You have seen how much the minds of our youth have done to the enemy.
The tunnel engineering, missile technologies, and software for disabling enemy devices are all within your reach!
I imagined Abu Ubaida shouting to the flabby and lumbering youth of the nation... who are busy with their electronic devices until their feelings and consciences have hardened. Make sure to go to sports clubs to work out and prepare yourselves to support the mujahideen and be a reserve for the stationed. The battle of liberation has begun, and what comes after it will not be the same as before. The intention of jihad does not come with a long slumber or stiff bodies.
I imagined Abu Ubaida shouting to the nation that God Almighty will hold you accountable based on ability, not action.
God knows that you are capable of many acts of resistance against the enemy. So why did your effort stop at only one or two demonstrations, one or two tears, one or two dinars, or one or two articles that you presented at the beginning? Why did you then go back to living your life and make excuses for yourself? Your enemy has not ceased launching bombs, obliterating, or causing destruction from the start of their confrontation with us up to this present day.
Perhaps you have observed how young people in the West prevailed for our righteous cause, altering mistaken convictions about it in the minds of their parents, guardians, and policymakers. Meanwhile, our brethren in the East struggled to catch their breath, and their activities were non-existent, except in one or two countries.
The trick is the trick, and the spite is the spite, because your enemy is a coward. If he witnessed something that scared him, he would retreat a thousand steps before harming us!
In the past - through trickery and sincerity of feeling - young men from Quraysh - who were polytheists at that time - spoiled the plan of their elders with which they besieged the Prophet and his companions. They did not rest until they broke the siege, fed the hungry, and rescued the people. Will the Muslim be more incapable than the infidel in breaking the siege?!!
I imagined Abu Ubaida also crying out for financial help.
Because jihad with money takes precedence over jihad with oneself in most places in the Qur’an. And the Mujahideen in Palestine are so numerous, but the supplies the least!!
Liberation battles do not require a single day's effort and months of interruption; instead, they require continuous, even if small, effort.
If every Muslim donated the price of a lunch or dinner per month to their brothers, the Mujahideen would be self-sufficient.
None of you should ask, 'How can I deliver my money?
Whoever is sincere in their effort will not lack the means.
So, keep your money safe in your homes and hearts, so the heroes can take it from you!
I imagine Abu Ubaida wanting to yell at us about raising our children and preparing them well for the days of fighting.
I envision him urging women to give generously, just as their mothers did on the day of Tabuk, to keep their homes empathetic towards what is happening, and to act in accordance with their consciences, just as our mothers used to do when a neighbor passed away or a relative was lost. So how can we not do the same for the loss and suffering of over a hundred thousand loved ones?!
I imagine him and imagine him... and I find a lot of what he wants to say, but he is ashamed that people might think he demands too much.
By God, it is the weakest of faith and the least of charity.
Let us consider it done for him and his brothers. I believe they, along with the people of Gaza, have fulfilled their duty, and it is now our turn to fulfill ours.
By God, if the nation missed an opportunity like this to wake up, it may take decades to repeat it.
So, respond to Abu Ubaidah regarding what he said and what he intended to say."
Let them be saved, and we will be saved with them. The just and sacred cause will triumph, and we will triumph with it.