التاريخ : الخميس 19 سبتمبر 2024 . القسم : Opinions

The falsehood of "State Brotherhoodization" from the perspective of an eyewitness

Ahmed Abdel Aziz

President of the Egyptian Media Professionals Abroad

Heavy days pass for every person with a living conscience every year, during which sorrows are renewed that cannot be separated from the personal and the public. "These days, the number of incidents under the coup's authority is increasing over time. Not a month goes by without the authorities committing a crime or intentionally causing a catastrophe that further deepens Egypt's backwardness, dependency, and loss of influence. All of this ultimately leads to the "dissolution of the state."


Among the tragic events that still haunt us are the assassination of President Mohamed Morsi on June 18, 2019, and the uprising of June 30, 2013., as a cover for an imminent coup three days later (July 3). As for the discussion regarding the current situation in Egypt, it remains ongoing. However, the outcome of this conversation amounts to nothing.


The “State Brotherhoodization” falsehood


“Saving Egypt from the Brotherhood” is one of the multi-pronged campaigns launched by the counter-revolution against the legitimately elected authority of the people. The most prominent group in this campaign was the organization known as the “Salvation Front,” whose leaders remained silent. Despite Egypt's urgent need for true liberation from military control, which has infiltrated every aspect of the state, no institution remains unaffected by its influence. "They are either at the top of it or are key elements in its administration. "Rather, they create (every day) more institutions and departments to accommodate new military retirees!


This “State Brotherhoodization” campaign was based on slander and lies that are refuted by reality. The “Brotherhood” ministers in Dr Hisham Qandil's ministry (independent and not from the Brotherhood) were nine ministers out of thirty-six ministers, meaning that the percentage of Brotherhood members in the ministry was 25%. So where are the alleged “Brotherhood,” you liars?!


It took place in Egypt during the time of the (rightfully) elected President Mohamed Morsi, who was the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party founded by the Muslim Brotherhood. The "majority" that was elected by the people turned out to be a "minority" within the government. What a great meaning of "Brotherhoodization" if this is Brotherhoodization.


Only eighteen people were appointed to the Presidency of the Republic out of about 4,000 employees—a negligible percentage. This limited number was around the president, between an assistant and a secretary, and they were not in the joints of the presidential institution. (I have a list of the names of these eighteen “Brotherhood” who were transferred from the presidency to different ministries shortly after the coup, each according to his academic degree, that is because I was one of them)... and what a “Brotherhoodization” if this is the “Brotherhoodization”!


"Authority within the Brotherhood and among others."


Authority (in general and in the reality of the situation) is power, privileges, influence, and benefits, so people fight over it. As for authority (for the Brotherhood), it is an obligation, not an honor, strenuous effort, and giving. Indeed, I am not exaggerating if I say it is - also - a burden, not a profit!


You will definitely agree with me (dear reader) on the first part, as it is a tangible fact that does not need proof. You will disagree with me on the second part (related to the concept of authority among the Brotherhood) and demand proof from me. Well, here are only three pieces of evidence, which I mention from the Eyewitness position.


Al-Issawi establishes the monitoring unit from his own pocket!


In order to address necessary issues without the constraints of the Ministry of Information's regulations and outdated procedures, we established a resolute "monitoring team" for the presidency.


After consulting with those involved in the media file at the presidency, my colleague Dr Sameh Al-Issawi and I toured a multi-storey building located on the grounds of the Republican Guard. Based on the advice we received, we found a large number of computers that Gamal Mubarak’s team was using, but they needed specific chips to capture satellite and radio broadcasts.


My colleague Dr Sameh asked Colonel (S), Republican Guard Ground Commander, "How much do these cards cost, and how long does it take for these computers to be ready for use?" The colonel replied, "A month and a half to two months at most!" This period seemed like an eternity to someone like me who had never been involved in any government work before, and I was terribly upset.


The Colonel (S) tried to ease my discomfort. He began explaining the procedures that must be followed, starting with issuing the purchase order and ending with the installation, according to certain security procedures. My colleague asked him again, "How long will this process take if the money needed to purchase the cards is in your hands now?" The Colonel replied, "A week at most."


My colleague, Dr Sameh Al-Issawi (may God heal him), reached into his bag, took out a large package of money, and gave Colonel (S) the amount he requested, which was about ten thousand pounds or more (the price of the dollar was less than 7 pounds at that time). After a week, the computers were ready to use. Dr Sameh was wealthy; he inherited a contracting company from his father.


A week later, the monitoring unit started working. Due to bureaucratic issues, we were unable to officially hire the monitoring team, which meant they were not getting paid. However, Dr Al-Issawi stepped in and paid the monitoring team's bonuses out of his own pocket to keep the work going. This situation persisted until the coup occurred. Due to bureaucratic reasons, Dr Sameh, who had "lent" money to the Presidency of the Republic from his own funds, was unable to recover any of these amounts after the coup against the elected president.


The Presidency of the Republic (after the coup) filed a lawsuit against Dr Sameh, accusing him of misusing the "government trust" and demanding that he return it or pay its price. This "trust" referred to two laptop computers, which were of the cheapest type, with one for him and the other for me. However, he was the one who signed to receive them. Just for your information, my computer suddenly crashed and was impossible to operate, so I threw it away.


Did not find time to fill out the recruitment form!


One of my colleagues, who may prefer not to have their name mentioned, always had a presidential employment form at the end of his desk whenever I visited him. He never had time to fill it out, and I completely understood his reasons.


I found this form to be tedious and overwhelming. Due to the extensive amount of data and information needed, I completed it in phases. Here is the response if you inquire about why this colleague is always busy.


This colleague was always available, ready to answer any questions and respond to any calls, day or night. I often wondered when he found time to sleep, but then I realized it was not my place to question it. These are the Brotherhood!


Privileges I have not heard of!


"The day I went to Abdeen Palace to be discharged from the presidency, the employee in charge of completing the procedures asked me about the benefits and privileges. After mentioning many of them, he asked me, 'Have you benefited from these benefits and privileges?' My answer was: 'No, because I hadn't heard about them until now!'"


The Brotherhood assumed the presidency as servants of the people who trusted them. They did not seek advantages or privileges or engage in plunder, unlike the military and non-military leaders. "We had hoped to fully realize our vision of providing the people with a form of governance unlike anything they had ever experienced before. In this era, the authorities' sole focus should be on ensuring the well-being, dignity, and security of the citizens and establishing a state where the citizen is the ultimate authority. However, God willed otherwise for a wisdom that only He knows, and in all of God’s destinies, there is wisdom and goodness. Whether We have realized that or not. 


Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.