التاريخ : الخميس 19 سبتمبر 2024 . القسم : Education Message
Medina Receives the Leader
Dr Mohieddine Al-Zayet
Member of the Supreme Administrative Body of the Muslim Brotherhood
Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon our master, the Messenger of God, his family, companions, and those who follow him.
These days, we are witnessing the anniversary of the Hijrah of the beloved Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, from Mecca to Medina (in the year 623 AD)... 13 years after the beginning of his mission (in the year 610 AD), and 53 years after his honorable birth (in the year 570 AD). Muslims have taken the Hijra event - and no other - as the beginning of the Islamic calendar, considering that this event is the most important in all Islamic history. Because it is the day: (the idea) is transformed into (reality)... and (theory) is transformed into (application)... and (the call) is transformed into (state)...
When the city received the Messenger of God on this most beautiful day... with its youth and its elderly... its men and women... and even its children, with the immortal anthem:
The full moon rose over us.........From the Valley of Peace
And it is incumbent upon us to show gratitude.......For as long as anyone in existence calls out to God
O our Messenger amongst us.......Who comes with the exhortations to be heeded
So, it is an obeyed matter.
When the Messenger of God came to Medina... he was not (a philosopher) in isolation, or a monk in a hermitage, or (a teacher) in a school, or (a preacher) in a mosque... Rather, he was (an imam) for the people in all matters of life... A (messenger) who receives revelation from heaven, a (prophet) who teaches and nurtures, a (ruler) who rules according to God’s law, a (leader) who is obeyed and followed, and a (judge) who judges between people. “Now We have set you ˹O Prophet˺ on the ˹clear˺ Way of faith. So, follow it, and do not follow the desires of those who do not know ˹the truth˺.” [Al-Jathiya: 18].
"Medina was blessed, honored, and developed by receiving the Messenger of God. It was guided out of confusion, united after division, and peace prevailed after long-lasting wars. It became an example of a virtuous city, which was the aspiration of philosophers and reformers."
Would it have been better for Medina, or Mecca before it, to have been ruled and managed by the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and after him Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, and Ali, may God be pleased with them... or to have been ruled by Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah, and Abdullah Ibn Ubai Ibn Salul??!!!!!
From Medina, the lights of Islam spread to include the entire Arabian Peninsula, and even to the continents of the known world at that time... in a few years... and that is the eternal miracle of Islam.
When Muslims adopt their religion as complete and undiminished: (“Take what We have given you with strength,”) and implement its commands and teachings in all matters of life: political, economic, social, cultural, and military (“We have not neglected anything in the Book”), then the whole matter of life will be corrected. Thus was the period of prophecy and mercy, then the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphate, then the Umayyad Caliphate, then the Abbasid Caliphate, then the Ottoman Caliphate, during which the Muslims were at the top and the forefront in the ranking of global powers.
"When the practice of Islam, with its clear and decisive teachings encompassing all aspects of life, is weakened, certain aspects become dysfunctional. Consequently, the state weakens, strength diminishes, and enemies are emboldened to attack, as evidenced during the Crusades, the Tatar wars, and periods of Western occupation."
The history of Islam has been marked by ebbs and flows, periods of strength and weakness. A major turning point occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century AD with the abolition of the Islamic Caliphate in 1924 AD and the subsequent dismemberment of Islamic countries. This resulted in their occupation and mandate by their enemies who had been a lurking presence throughout history. The brutal, usurping Zionist entity was planted in the land of Palestine to divide the Islamic world, creating division between its east and west, and its north and south, thus preventing the renaissance and unity of Muslims.
In 1928 AD, a few years after the fall of the Caliphate, the Muslim Brotherhood emerged with a call for the comprehensive and perfect application of Islamic teachings in all aspects of life. This movement aimed to correct misconceptions and cultivate generations that understood and implemented Islam accurately as a living reality. So it produced the Muslim individual (wholesome in belief - correct in worship - strong in body - solid in character - cultured in thought - able to work and earn - striving for himself - keen on his time - organized in his affairs - useful to others); Then there was the Muslim family, then the Muslim society, and finally there was the Muslim government.
It was self-evident that the enemies of Islam would stand against this rising movement in two forms:
Foreign enemies: They fear the return of Islam again, and the return of a unified Islamic state, a strong competitor to their authority, influence, control, and exploitation.
Internal enemies: those who were raised in the incubators of the occupying colonizer with an understanding that is contrary to Islam in terms of belief, traditions, etiquette, and morals... and to abbreviate Islam in devotional manifestations that they rarely adhere to, in imitation of the Western priestly system that separates religion from the state and Sharia from life.
It was a series of conspiracies and machinations, let alone wars and massacres, the opening of prisons, detention centers, courts, torture and executions, leading to human genocide and ethnic cleansing, as is happening now in the Mujahid generation of resistance heroes in occupied Palestine.
Expectations and hope:
But these clouds are about to be lifted by the steadfastness of the people of truth, the heroes of the blessed community in the Holy Land and all corners of the earth... in the face of the brutal war machine and the hateful Western Zionist genocide... and people in the east and west of the earth saw the difference between the patient, resistant, mujahid, the patient, the defender of his religion, his homeland, and his honor the one who displays all his morals and loftiness, and sacrifices everything he owns to preserve the Holy Land, which is a trust in his possession, and the usurping Zionist occupier who reveres blood, honor, money and customs... who destroys all components of life, of homes, schools, universities, hospitals and places of worship. It is supplied by unjust Western governments with all kinds of deadly weapons, money, equipment, missiles, battleships, and aircraft carriers.
These paradoxes are awakening the Islamic world now. They are awakening people of conscience in various parts of the world, to wait for the new dawn with the return of Islam to the reality of life, to save lost humanity from a Western civilization and Zionist racism, whose civilizational and moral bankruptcy has manifested itself in leading humanity, or establishing peace and achieving justice and equality among people.
The first words of the Messenger of God and the Seal of Messengers, Muhammad, were the day he entered Medina as an immigrant...in fact, as a potential leader, ruler, and teacher:
(Dear people:
Propagate greetings: Spread peace and security without distinction between race, color, language, or creed.
And feed the food: It is not permissible for a human being to go hungry while Islam rules, and even animals... Where is this about the unjust war of starvation practiced by the Western Zionist civilization in front of the entire world?!
Keep good kinship ties: Preserve family and familial relationships without spreading obscenity, deviance, moral depravity, and drugs, thus avoiding destroying society.
If you pray at night while people are sleeping, you will enter Paradise in peace. It is the pure spiritual connection that moisturizes the dryness of matter and the harshness of life, providing a permanent connection to the Lord of the universe and life.
This is our civilization, with which the world has been happy for many times. It is about to return now after a long absence, to save people and renew life.
“And Allah invites ˹all˺ to the Home of Peace and guides whoever He wills to the Straight Path.” [Surat Yunus: 25]. And God is great, and praise be to God.
Dr. Mohieddine Al-Zayet