التاريخ : الجمعة 20 سبتمبر 2024 . القسم : Editorial
The third zero issue of “Al-Da’wa Magazine” is published with diverse topics and issues, in an effort to fulfill the reader's right to know. This issue included several aspects of the Egyptian scene, the international scene, and the Islamic scene in particular.
The issue began with an article by His Eminence, the Acting General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. He expressed his thoughts on the significant cultural contrast between Islam's noble principles and Western civilization's superficial, materialistic values. He lamented humanity's state in the wake of this material civilization and the consequences of neglecting Islam, which was meant to bring mercy to the world.
"The second most important topic is the magazine's interview with a leader in the Hamas movement. The interview answers critical questions about the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation, the leader's assessment of its results, developments in the negotiations, suspicions raised about the movement, and the Arab and Islamic role at both the official and popular levels. The magazine also includes follow-up articles on Palestine and the war in Gaza."
It also deals with the Egyptian issue, through several articles covering the anniversary of the martyrdom of President Mohamed Morsi and the Egyptian issue on the anniversary of the military coup. A recent article by Dr. Essam Abdel Shafi discusses the foreign policy of the coup regime. Additionally, there is a detailed report in the section on the rights and freedoms of the people's representatives in the coup prisons.
The publication of the issue coincided with the most important anniversary and the greatest event in the life of the Islamic nation. It is the Hijrah of our Noble Messenger; may God bless him and grant him peace. That is why the magazine covers this event with an educational message and advocacy articles. The issue also presents the tragedy of Sudan and the ongoing war there, in a lengthy report that tells the roots of the conflicts, the maps of power there, and the situation of the brotherly Islamic country. In addition to other topics quoted and translations.
We hope you find this reading helpful.