التاريخ : الأربعاء 23 أكتوبر 2024 . القسم : Abstracts of Books

My Memories with Imam Yusuf al-Qaradawi: A Quarter Century of Educational Lessons and Humanitarian Situations


Book by Prof. Dr. Wasfi Abu Zaid


Professor of the Fundamentals of Jurisprudence and the Objectives of Sharia and Head of Al-Shohoud Civilizational Center for Sharia and Future Studies


Presentation: Muhammad Muhyi al-Din al-Nashmi


Praise be to God and peace be upon the Messenger of God and his family, companions and those who follow his guidance.


"This is a condensed summary of the book "My Memories with Imam Yusuf al-Qaradawi: A Quarter Century of Educational Lessons and Humanitarian Situations" by Dr. Wasfi Ashour Abu Zaid. He is one of the most prominent students close to al-Qaradawi and is familiar with his legacy and scholarly work."


The book discusses the author's biography and memories with Sheikh al-Qaradawi from an educational and human perspective. The author has written eight books about the Imam from various angles, and this book is one of them.


This book was published by Iqdam Printing and Publishing House in Istanbul, Turkey. The first edition, published in 2023, is two hundred and thirty-eight pages.


The author started his book by dedicating it to the heroes of the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa and its creators, as well as to its martyrs and wounded. He mentioned that the book is a collection of memories from a prominent sheikh involved in the Palestinian cause, its supporters, leading muftis, and advocates of this era.


One of the beauties and wonders of fate is that this book was completed on the day of the launch of this blessed battle.


The author begins his book with an introduction entitled "In the Hands of Memories," in which he mentions the importance of discussing divine scholars, their impact, and the inspiration they instill in him. He distinguishes his study and research by examining the Sheikh. May God Almighty have mercy on him. The author talks about the student's perception of his teacher and the disciple's disclosure of his Sheikh, recalling the aspects in which the Sheikh distinguished himself, the fields in which he left an impact, and the areas in which he was involved.


He pointed out that he began writing his memories with him in February 2016 and will complete them in 2023.


The author started discussing his initial encounter with the Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, in a section titled "Before the Meeting" in his books, writings, and speeches during his early high school years. He reviewed and read them extensively. His passion for reading and reviewing the books by the Sheikh grew significantly when he went to university and was influenced by them. He mentioned the titles of the books he had reviewed at that time, and how acquiring books such as "Jurisprudence of Zakat," "Contemporary Fatwas," left him with feelings of happiness and joy.


The author then recounted his first meeting with the Sheikh and the beginning of their direct contact in the summer of 1999. This occurred at the start of the master's stage. It's a nice story, after making attempts, showing determination, and persistently contacting the Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, the author introduced himself and expressed his desire to visit the Sheikh in order to present the topic of his thesis.


The author's true desire was to meet the Sheikh, converse with him, and sit at his feet. The meeting did take place, and the author was overwhelmed with feelings of joy and awe. At that time, the meeting consisted of a wide range of questions and inquiries from various scientific, intellectual, and other fields. The author presented them to the Sheikh, seeking answers and comments.


The author then discussed the plan to form a league and organize gatherings for Al-Qaradawi's students, titled "In the Family of Al-Qaradawi's Students." The journey began with a dream and an idea, which came to fruition under the leadership of Dr. Issam Al-Basheer and the author, while working as a researcher at the Global Center for Moderation in Kuwait, along with others. The first meeting of students and friends took place in Doha in 2007, followed by subsequent gatherings. During these meetings, they discussed the Sheikh's thoughts and efforts, presenting research and guidance in his presence.


The author then moved on to talk about some of the scientific discussions and various issues on the scene that he was raising. He was asking and inquiring about the Sheikh's opinion, may God have mercy on him, on them, such as:


Please remember the following points:


- His disagreement with the opinion of Imam Hassan Al-Banna on parties.

- His opinion on the great thinker Sayyid Qutb, may God have mercy on him.

- His opinion on Imam Mawdudi, may God have mercy on him.

- His opinion on the American Muslim fighting Muslims in Afghanistan.


The writer mentioned that the Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, had a gentle and humorous personality with his guests, brothers, and students. He shared funny and entertaining stories from the Sheikh's life under the title "Entertaining Situations."


The Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, shared an anecdote about being in prison with his brothers where they were served food that was unfit for human consumption and prepared in an unappetizing way. One of the items served was "beans," which they ate until they grew tired of them. After getting married, he told his wife in his well-known loud voice, "Don't cook me these beans, because I have had enough of them to last me the rest of my life."


The author mentioned that his relationship with the Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, continued, and they corresponded in writing on various occasions and topics. This included congratulating him on winning the State Appreciation Award in Islamic Studies, endorsing his position on the Shiites, and sending him birthday greetings and blessings, among other topics.


The writer confirmed that he personally asked the Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, questions and inquiries, as did individuals and institutions around the world. This included asking the Sheikh directly about issuing a fatwa to kill Gaddafi, as well as questioning the permissibility of families going on mixed trips, among other inquiries. The writer praised these interactions, stating that they represent a distinguished model in the history of Islam.


The author listed the books he wrote about the Sheikh, may God have mercy on him; and he began with his first book (Care of the Objectives in Al-Qaradawi's Methodology).


Here are the titles of his other books: "Al-Qaradawi, the Rebellious Imam," "Al-Qaradawi and the Interpol Epic," "Arts and Their Objectives in Al-Qaradawi: Vision and Application," and "The Principles of Civilizational Jurisprudence in Imam Al-Qaradawi: Jurisprudence of the Text and Jurisprudence of Reality as a Model.", (Yusuf Al-Qaradawi: Areas of Authorship and Characteristics of the Scientific Methodology), (Characteristics of Scientific Writing of Al-Qaradawi), and his eighth book, a summary of which we will discuss here (My Memories with Imam Al-Qaradawi).


He dedicated an entire chapter to his refined humane conduct and his exquisite taste under the title "In the Shade of Humanity." The text includes various interactions and connections such as the author's introduction to his book "Partial Objectives," which was initially his doctoral thesis. It also mentions the author's praise and commendation of the book, his personal recommendation, offering condolences on the death of the author's father, contact and comforting during difficult times, as well as an invitation. Additionally, it refers to general and special permission granted to read the Sheikh’s books and teach them, along with other relevant situations and positions.


The author reminisced about his experiences with the Sheikh during the January Revolution in Egypt, including witnessing the events and the Sheikh's sermon in Tahrir Square after Mubarak's resignation, may God have mercy on him.


The author mentioned the historic visit of the Sheikh and the delegation of scholars to Gaza and its impact, including the warmth, appreciation, and messages of support and stabilization it conveyed for Gaza and its people.


The author mentioned that the Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, requested him to review some of his books before publishing them. These books include "The Beautiful Names of God," "Sources of Legislation," and others.


The author authored articles defending the Sheikh and supporting him in his absence. For example, he wrote an article entitled "Al-Tayeb and the expulsion of Al-Qaradawi's membership for mixing preaching with politics" and another entitled "Questions to Saudi Arabia and the Emirates about classifying Al-Qaradawi as a terrorist," among others.


The author had frequent discussions with the Sheikh; may God have mercy on him during conferences, seminars, meetings, and other events. Press reports also covered his seminars., including: "A report on the seminar on renewing religious discourse in the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate from the summer of 2003, and a report on the first sessions of the cultural season of the Ihsan Abdel Quddous Salon. The Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, attended during one of his summer vacations in Egypt, and other reports."


At the second-to-last event, the author gave several speeches in the presence of the Sheikh. These included a speech by the author to mark the Sheikh's ninetieth birthday, and a speech by the Sheikh at the General Assembly of the Union of Muslim Scholars.


The author concluded his book with the title "The End of the Journey," recording the last moments of his long journey with the Sheikh and their final contact as if it were a farewell. He mentioned the date of the news of the Sheikh's death, which left him in deep sadness and shock, as September 26, 2022.


He mentioned that he continues to be involved after the Sheikh's passing, may God have mercy on him. He participates in seminars and recordings that discuss the Sheikh's contributions to Islam. Additionally, he participates in launching the complete works of Sheikh Al-Imam. May God have mercy on him and reward him for his service to the nation and Islam.


The author presented the reality of scholars and students after the Imam's departure, their prospects and expectations, and who could succeed him and take his place.


In response to the question, he indicated that he believes that God will not deprive the nation of just successors who carry the banner of the nation and religion in every generation. He stressed the responsibility of the community of scholars to focus its attention on this issue: the issue of creating scholarly reference and its symbolism.


In the final pages of the book, the author included pictures of himself with the Imam Sheikh during their first meeting in his home in Egypt in the summer of 1999. There are also pictures from seminars, conferences, meetings, and visits to the Sheikh in his home and office in the Qatari capital, Doha.


At the end of the book, the author concluded with a call to embrace the heritage of Sheikh Imam, may God have mercy on him, benefit from his approach, and use it to reform people's lives. He said, "We ask Allah Almighty to bestow His vast mercy upon our Sheikh, Imam Al-Qaradawi, and to grant him companionship with the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous, for they are excellent companions."


In this book, a history of the Sheikh, the Imam (may Allah have mercy on him), is presented by one of his great students and those close to him. The memories come in different forms and various conditions, as if the Sheikh, who wrote his memories of some of his sheikhs and peers such as Sheikh Al-Ghazali, Al-Nadawi, and others (may Allah have mercy on them), wanted his students to write their memories of him. This is because loyalty begets loyalty, as per the will of the Almighty.


Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds


Türkiye - Istanbul

Monday: 4 Rabi` Al-Akhir 1446, October 7, 2024.