التاريخ : الأربعاء 23 أكتوبر 2024 . القسم : Opinions

A Year of Al-Aqsa Flood The Four Most Crucial Facts

A year has passed since the launch of Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa and the subsequent barbaric invasion of the Zionist gangs in occupied Palestine. Despite all the destruction, sabotage, and killing based on an identity that claimed the lives of nearly fifty thousand Muslim individuals, including children, women, and the elderly, history will proudly remember that the Al-Aqsa Flood resulted in several facts that will change the nature of the conflict in the region:


The first fact: a conflict of existence, not borders.


It is an eternal truth that generations have repeated, and some governments have attempted to conceal it and replace it with the slogan "a conflict on borders" to absolve themselves from the responsibility of liberating the entire Palestinian territory. Today, this fact has returned to the forefront of events again. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, felt from the first moment of the start of the Al-Aqsa Flood that what is happening is not just a conflict over borders, resources, and ports. Instead, it is an existential conflict, and the Al-Aqsa Flood is the most severe attack on the Zionists since the Holocaust, which occurred before the establishment of the state.


In May 2024, Netanyahu stated, "The war in Gaza is existential, either us or the monsters of Hamas." In June 2024, while urging America to continue supplying weapons, Netanyahu said that American weapons are necessary because Israel is fighting an existential war. He stated, "Israel needs American weapons in a war it is fighting for its existence."


On the first anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2024, he restated that what is currently happening is not a military operation or combat rounds. Instead, he emphasized that they are in a state of war and will respond with a fierce war. He described it as a war for their existence, the war of resurrection.


The Al-Aqsa Flood operation destroyed the myth of the unbeatable army for the second time, following the example of the Egyptian army in the October 1973 war. Despite advanced preparations, capabilities, and equipment for reconnaissance, monitoring, and analysis of information and data, the resistance was able to surprise not only the enemy but also the resistance's allies, supporters, neighboring countries, and American intelligence, and created a massive hole in the wall of blind trust that the enemy and its allies are counting on to eliminate any armed formation or regular army in the entire region.


Al-Aqsa Flood operation was not the only surprise for the enemy and its allies. The resistance has continued for an entire year and is still ongoing without the enemy achieving its stated goals. These goals include liberating the prisoners, eliminating the resistance politically and militarily, and preventing the resistance from threatening the entity, similar to what happened in the Al-Aqsa Flood. So what happened? The prisoners are still held by the resistance, Hamas continues to serve its people and is at the forefront of the resistance. Its missiles are striking Tel Aviv on the eve of the first anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood. Hamas refuses a ceasefire unless it includes a complete withdrawal and the release of all Palestinian prisoners, despite appeals and statements from the White House and a group of Arab countries.


The Zionist aggression has indeed carried out an unprecedented rampage; It has targeted thousands of civilians, including infants, elderly people kneeling, and helpless women, and destroyed homes, residences, hospitals, schools, and universities. Still, all of these are tactical gains. As US National Security Advisor Jeff Sullivan clearly stated, "The challenge facing Israel now is to transform the tactical victories it has achieved into a strategy that will guarantee Israel’s future." Even the entity's closest allies acknowledge that all of its gains are tactical and do not guarantee its stability or survival. In his opinion, what is required is a strategy for survival in light of the existential challenges that have arisen with the Al-Aqsa Flood.


The countries of the wall (formerly neighboring countries) did not anticipate the resistance to last an entire year and announced the continuation of the challenge despite differences in military strength and equipment. In November 2023, the military ruler of Egypt stood in a press conference with the German Chancellor. He advised the enemy forces to displace the people of Gaza to the Negev desert until they finished their operations by eliminating Hamas or the resistance. After that, they would be returned. This is a superficial perception from a man who is supposed to be a military man, as the poor man imagined - due to his excessive confidence in the enemy army - that the response would be after a few days or even weeks and that the enemy forces would be victorious and in control after eliminating the resistance. Poor man! I wish someone would tell him about the first anniversary of steadfastness in the face of the most powerful and fiercest armies in the region.


The second fact: (Popular resistance, not regular armies)


"The Al-Aqsa Flood demonstrated that Arab armies may need to bid farewell to military affairs and focus instead on economic and political matters, or on addressing the anger of the people and their rejection of authoritarian rule."


Therefore, because the conflict is existential and will end with the victory of the Muslims as God promised us, A group or sect must fulfill the duty of defending the sanctities. The Islamic resistance was formed in Palestine in the thirties of the last century, then other currents joined, some of which held out, and others fell into the well of normalization, and a group of people, from the free peoples, still see the necessity of continuing to resist the Zionist project.


The resistance was based on a strong faith in God and the belief that victory or martyrdom was inevitable. Despite the lack of money, equipment, and weapons, they fulfilled their duty to defend their beliefs in the face of severe siege and oppression. The resistance eventually evolved into irregular armies that utilized military strategies taught in universities and military institutes based on the available circumstances. They were able to adapt to and even turn these circumstances to their advantage. Despite having limited capabilities, they were able to inflict significant losses on the enemy due to their determination.


The resistance in Lebanon has been seen as a model for combining a political party and a military wing. The military wing's mission is combat, while the political party's mission is jihadist, but non-combatant. Ansar Allah's power has emerged in Yemen, and these forces have been able to inflict considerable damage on Saudi Arabia in a war that has been ongoing for nine consecutive years. Despite this, the Kingdom has not been able to declare complete victory. The Zionist entity also did not declare victory in Gaza or southern Lebanon. Currently, we are seeing the involvement of certain irregular Iraqi forces in the conflict, and this will have a significant impact on war strategies and fighting in the region for many years to come.


The third fact: the superiority of the resistance media over the propaganda media


The Zionist entity failed to promote its version of the events on October 7 and the subsequent brutal, atrocious conflict against the vulnerable Palestinian population. The central question was: Was Hamas condemned today? Things changed thanks to the resistance media, led by a masked man and followed by millions of believers in the Palestinians' right to defend themselves. The question became: Did you condemn Israel for committing massacres? And did you condemn it for occupying Palestine? We heard the peoples of the world singing in their local languages, "Long live Palestine... Long live Palestine (Viva Palestine)."  I witnessed how the resistance media effectively mobilized global public opinion in public spaces and in front of the headquarters of Western governments. This was particularly evident at the White House, in Congress, and at major universities in the United States and Britain.



The fourth fact: the Rise of Madkhaliyyah and Jamiyyah (Sultan Salafism)


This was expected years ago, but it was destined to reveal the secrets of these individuals at a time when the Mujahideen were fighting their enemies and the oppressors in occupied Palestine. It is a jihad that no scholar has ever denied. However, these groups have gone so far as to hurl ugly accusations at the resistance. Some have accused the Mujahideen of hypocrisy, innovation, rebelling against the rulers, and causing division within the nation. Instead of supporting or praying for them, they have demanded that the Mujahideen surrender to their enemy.


Al-Aqsa Flood revealed the fragility of these groups, and how they were created under the cover of intelligence agencies in order to lure the simpletons to them with their Islamic appearance and character, which soon became dry straw blown away by the winds.