Europe’s Muslims Urge Obama "Overcome the Mistakes of the Past"
The Honourable Barack Obama
President-elect of the United States of America
Dear Mr. President:
On behalf of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, I congratulate you on winning the trust of the American people, who chose you to be the 44th President of the United States of America.
Mr. President, no doubt that you take up such weighty responsibility, so important both to America and the World at large, to an international scene marked by crises, and brimming with challenges, requiring wise and capable leadership to steer change for the better in many spheres. In particular, we wish to call attention to the great expectations and hopes pinned to your term in office, in which the United States takes its proper place as a nation that stands up in defence of the values of liberty and justice, and determinedly confronts oppression and violation of the rights, and sovereignty of peoples over their homelands.
Mr. President, we are in accord with you that, as matter of urgency, the foreign policy of the United States of America must be restored to balance, and so overcome the mistakes of the past, as well as correction of the faults accompanying a period identified by wanton use of force, and the waging of wars, invasion and occupation.
We also embrace your assertion that America’s shine derives not from its formidable arsenal of arms and military prowess, but through values, noble and humanitarian. We are reminded that the World today, and more so than any other time, aspires to a prevalence of understanding that promotes harmony between cultures and dialogue between civilisations, and closes the divide between North and South, resolves the problems of poverty and hunger suffered by millions, and protects the environment from looming perils.
In reiterating that now is the time for revision and rectification in various areas, we see a historic opportunity to achieve positive change in our World: an effort in which all good intentions must come together to realise the hopes of humankind for a better and attainable future.
Finally, we again congratulate you, Sir, on the success you have achieved, praying that the American people and all peoples of the World enjoy the universal spread of security and wellbeing, and the enduring rule of justice and peace.
With greatest respect,
Chakib Benmakhlouf
President of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe