MB Parliamentary Block Praises EU Parliament Resolution on Gaza
In a statement to Ikhwanweb, the head of Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary block Dr. Mohamed El-Katatny welcomed Thursday’s EU parliament resolution which called on Israel to lift its blockade on Gaza and reopen border crossings, and urged Abo Mazen to engage in dialogue with Hamas.
El-Katatny described the resolution as "a positive step in the right direction", but doubted Israel will respect to it. "Although the resolution might lessen the pressure imposed on Gaza, but it is not going to end it. what we are demanding is an end to the inhumane siege completely," he said. Many UN resolutions fail to urge real action, and so do the summits of the Arab League, he added. What is important is the action that follows such resolutions.
He concluded stating that the International Community is waiting for any positive response by the Israeli Occupation in this regard and it is time for a decissive action against Israeli atrocities.
Al Katatny also urged the Egyptian government to fullfil its responsibilities to end the blocakde and the human crisis in Gaza.