MB Bloc Denounces Palestinian Egyptian Border Skirmishes
Hussein Mohamed Ibrahim, vice-chairman and spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) parliamentary bloc, lamented the skirmishes that took place place at Egypt-Gaza borders on Monday evening killing a Palestinian citizen and injuring 14 others, plus wounding 46 Egyptian security forces. He underscored the full respect to Egyptian security forces which are carrying out an important role in controlling borders between both sides and that firing or throwing stones are fully rejected for any reason whatsoever."This clash is fully rejected in form and content and should be carefully handled", said Ibrahim pointing out that a common agreement should be reached between Egyptian and Palestinian sides to run Rafah Crossing so that such incidents don"t happen again.Hussein Ibrahim called on the Egyptian government to deal with this incident as an individual incident and called on the Palestinian side to control over Palestinian citizens" behavior to maintain the deep-rooted relations between Egyptians and Palestinians.
The MB bloc deputy leader called for necessarily reaching common grounds for a dialogue between Fatah and Hamas to avoid any inter-Palestinian infighting. He calle don the Palestinian Authority to respond Egypt "s call for holding a dialogue between both Palestinian parties to reach an optimum solution for running this crossing. He also confirmed that putting any pre-condition for holding this dialogue may yield more hurdles and not reaching a quick agreement over this crossing is actually in the first place to the interest of Israel and may lead to even more suffering for the Palestinians