MB statement on calls for release of Dr Salah Soltan based on his serious health condition
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) appreciates the calls launched by human rights organizations for the release of Dr Salah Soltan (63), the professor of Sharia (Islamic Law) at Cairo University and founder and former president of the Islamic American University (IAU) in Michigan, following leaked reports from Badr-1 Prison that he has been denied health care, despite the fact that he suffers from chronic life threatening diseases that could expose him to immature death, such as diabetes, heart and liver diseases, according to doctors who were apprised of his medical record.
The Brotherhood reconfirms what it had announced in a previous statement concerning seriousness of frequent reports coming from the notorious Badr-1 Prison, where detainees are subjected to torture and denial of health care, which led to the death of at least 5 of them, since they were transferred there in June 2022, which threatens Soltan's life as well.
The MB calls for the release of Dr Salah Sultan, who was sentenced to life in prison, only for having been a supporter of the democratically elected Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, following an unfair trial that violated his rights to political participation, freedom of expression, and peaceful assembly.
The Muslim Brotherhood also holds the Egyptian authorities completely responsible for his life.
MB Media Spokesperson
Sohaib Abdel Maqsoud
(Friday, 15 Shawwal 1444 AH / 5 May 2023)