Muslim Brotherhood, Politics, and the Issue of Detainees
With respect to the comments circulated from time to time that the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) practices political action, the MB would like to emphasize several points, namely:
First: The Brotherhood's recently announced decision that it would not compete for power, which it still adheres to, does not mean at all that it will withdraw from political action, which remains one of the constants of the MB reform project.
Second: The Brotherhood emphasizes that it is an integral part of the Egyptian people and will continue to defend the people's political, economic, social and cultural rights in every field; and that it will not abandon them as a religious and national duty.
Third: The demand on the need for the MB to abandon the practice of politics - which is surrounded by rumours and aspirations - highlights the failure to accept political pluralism, rather the one-sidedness of the ruling system.
Fourth: The MB has previously announced that whoever extends his hand to it will find nothing but loyalty from its side, and that it welcomes any serious initiative to liberate political detainees.
Fifth: The Brotherhood calls on politicians and the media to seek accuracy and rely on the MB's official sources in obtaining and dissemination of news in this regard and announces its denial of any other reports otherwise.
Dr Helmy Elgazzar
Head of MB Political Section
(Saturday, 24 August 2024 / 20 Safar 1446)