Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

About Halting UNRWA Support: The Decision Manifests Erosion Of  International Legitimacy From Within
Media Statements

About Halting UNRWA Support: The Decision Manifests Erosion Of International Legitimacy From Within

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) condemns the decision made by the United States, Australia, Britain, Canada, Italy and Finland and the Netherlands to suspend their support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

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The ICJ Resolution Destroys Image of the Supra-Law Entity
Media Statements

The ICJ Resolution Destroys Image of the Supra-Law Entity

The Muslim Brotherhood hails the resolution issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) today on ‘provisional measures’ related to South Africa’s case filed against the Zionist entity, accusing it of committing acts of genocide against the people of Palestine in the Gaza Strip (in violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide).

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On Jan. 25 anniversary,  hope in the people remains,  as it is the peoples that make the change
Media Statements

On Jan. 25 anniversary, hope in the people remains, as it is the peoples that make the change

On 25 January 2011, the Egyptian masses took to the street demanding the departure of the regime and confirming their right to a decent standard of living, freedom, social justice, and human dignity, and thus their will was then fulfilled. The Egyptian people put their feet on the path to achievement of a free civil state, which, had it not been for the coup against the will of the people, would have competed (with other free world countries) on achievement of security, prosperity and progress.

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MB Appreciates President of South Africa’s Statements and Pretoria’s Honourable Position
Media Statements

MB Appreciates President of South Africa’s Statements and Pretoria’s Honourable Position

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) appreciates the recent statements of His Excellency President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa related to the genocide case that South Africa has filed at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague and the responses to it, as he said: “I have never felt as proud as I felt today when our legal team was arguing our case in The Hague … we will not be truly free until the Palestinian people are free.”

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The Flawed International Order  Legitimizes the Attack on Yemen and Palestine
Media Statements

The Flawed International Order Legitimizes the Attack on Yemen and Palestine

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) denounces the American-British aggression on the brotherly people of Yemen, which took place in the early hours of this morning; and the group considers it an extension of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip and Palestine.

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National Liberation Movements Do Not Die With The Demise Of Their Leaders
Media Statements

National Liberation Movements Do Not Die With The Demise Of Their Leaders

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) mourns the key Hamas leader Saleh Al-Arouri, deputy head of the Islamic Resistance Movement’s political bureau, who was martyred today, Tuesday, together with two leaders of Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, in a treacherous Zionist bombardment in Beirut.

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The Assault on Kamal Adwan Hospital  Is A Brutal Crime That Requires International Prosecution
Media Statements

The Assault on Kamal Adwan Hospital Is A Brutal Crime That Requires International Prosecution

The Muslim Brotherhood once again condemns the crimes committed by the Zionist occupation against the Gaza Strip, with its brutality escalating up to bulldozing and burying the wounded and injured alive, under the chains of bulldozers, in Kamal Adwan Hospital, and abusing the displaced and the bodies of the martyrs, in a heinous crime and an unprecedented level of criminality and terrorism, which requires international prosecution.

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Saadet Partisi Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Kocaeli Milletvekili Sayın Hasan Bitmez’in ölümü nedeniyle Müslüman Kardeşler'in taziye mesajı
Media Statements

Saadet Partisi Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Kocaeli Milletvekili Sayın Hasan Bitmez’in ölümü nedeniyle Müslüman Kardeşler'in taziye mesajı

Saadet Partisi Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Kocaeli Milletvekili Sayın Hasan Bitmez’in ölümü nedeniyle Müslüman Kardeşler'in taziye mesajı

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On its foundation anniversary,  we reiterate our support for the  Islamic Resistance Movement-Hamas
Media Statements

On its foundation anniversary, we reiterate our support for the Islamic Resistance Movement-Hamas

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful The anniversary of the foundation of Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas, (14 December 1987) comes amidst the victorious Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and its repercussions, which shook the Zionist entity on October Seventh, to emphasize that the Movement is on the path it chose for itself on the early day of its foundation, as a national liberation movement struggling against foreign occupation.

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On Universal Declaration of Human Rights Anniversary.. Humanity Is Dying in Gaza
Media Statements

On Universal Declaration of Human Rights Anniversary.. Humanity Is Dying in Gaza

Today, there is no human right to life for the people of Gaza: they have no right to security of life and money; no right to shelter and freedom of movement; no right to food and drink; no right to medical treatment and education; or any other rights stated in the thirty articles of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

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